Category Archives: Archdiocese of Boston


Video Message from Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap
Archbishop of Boston

A message from Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM. Cap. Archbishop of Boston from Archdiocese of Boston on Vimeo.

Statement of Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap
Archbishop of Boston

“There are times when words fail us – when they do not capture the depth of overwhelming situations we sometimes face in life. For the Church in the United States this is one of those times.

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s report and the first-hand expressions of horror and devastating pain experienced by survivors once again wrench our hearts with the unimaginable that tragically is all too real for those who carry this pain. Once again we hear each excruciating word they share. We remain shamed by these egregious failures to protect children and those who are vulnerable and affirm our commitment that these failures will never be repeated.

While many perpetrators have been held accountable in one way or another for their crimes, we have yet to establish clear and transparent systems of accountability and consequence for Church leadership whose failures have allowed these crimes to occur. The Church must embrace spiritual conversion and demand legal transparency and pastoral accountability for all who carry out its mission. This transformation is not easily achieved, but in all aspects it is imperative. The way we prepare priests, the way we exercise pastoral leadership and the way we cooperate with civil authorities; all these have to be consistently better than has been the case.

As I have stated previously, there are immediate actions that we can and must take. The clock is ticking for all of us in Church leadership, Catholics have lost patience with us and civil society has lost confidence in us. But I am not without hope and do not succumb to despondent acceptance that our failures cannot be corrected. As the Church we have the responsibility to help people not to lose hope, that was Jesus’ message to all those he ministered to, especially in times of great trial. There is too much good in the Church and in our faith to lose hope. Often it is survivors who courageously teach us we cannot lose hope.

Although “zero tolerance” of sexual abuse has been declared and pursued and programs of advocacy and protection of children have been adopted in dioceses throughout country, the memory, the record, the burden carried by survivors and every other fact of sexual abuse stay with the Church. We can never become complacent, this is a life-long ongoing work that demands the highest levels of our constant awareness and attention.

The crisis we face is the product of clerical sins and clerical failures. As a Church, the conversion, transparency and accountability we need is only possible with the significant involvement and leadership of lay men and women in our Church, individuals who can bring their competence, experience and skills to the task we face. We need the help of the laity to address this scourge on our people and Church. If the Church proceeds with deep recognition of these realities the future can hold the opportunity to earn back trust, confidence and support from the community of Catholics and our society. We must proceed quickly and with purpose; there is no time to waste.”

– Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap  August 16, 2018 

From the Archdiocese of Boston Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection

To survivors in the Archdiocese of Boston who struggle to process their pain and whose wounds are opened especially wide with the reports from Pennsylvania, please know that Vivian Soper, Director of the Archdiocese’s Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection and her colleagues stand ready to provide assistance. We encourage you to contact Vivian at 617-746-5985. To the survivors and their loved ones, we must again apologize and ask forgiveness. While much has been accomplished in the protection of children with the participation of the laity, there remains much more to be done. We are committed to the fulfillment of this responsibility as a continuing priority for the work of the Church.


Archdiocese of Boston 2018 Catholic Appeal

This year’s Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Appeal, We the Many, Serving as One, has been launched.  (Please watch the 2018 Catholic Appeal video below for more information on how the Catholic Appeal provides needed funding to the many ministries that serve our parishes, schools, community programs and other affiliated organizations throughout the Archdiocese.)

St. John’s financial goal for the Appeal this year is $111,782. Prior to this year our rebate was tied to a financial goal. The rebate earned by our parish from last year’s Catholic Appeal was $17,500.   

The Archdiocese of Boston has announced new procedures for this year’s appeal.

This year there has been a change in procedures, and we now must reach an in-pew envelope goal (in additional to our financial goal) in order to be eligible to earn any rebates back to the parish. Our new in-pew envelope goal here at St. John is 95 envelopes. This goal is based solely on the number of envelopes completed, so this year we are asking that every family complete and return one of the envelopes, to ensure that we reach the goal number.

After writing your name, address and home parish, please complete the in-pew envelope in one of three ways and place it in the regular offertory collection:

  1. Add a donation of cash, check or credit card information
  2. Select “I have already given to the Catholic Appeal this year”
  3. Select “I do not wish to make a gift at this time”

The envelopes will be available in the pews and in the church lobby over the next several weekends.  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we launch this year’s Catholic Appeal with the new guidelines and procedures.  Your generosity to the Catholic Appeal is most greatly appreciated.  Thank you! 

2018 Catholic Appeal Video from the Archdiocese of Boston

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley said, “Faith guides us to discover the purpose of our existence, our mission here. As a community of faith, we all participate in the mission Jesus entrusts to us: to share the good news and support our brothers and sisters. It is my hope that everyone will consider a contribution for the 2018 Catholic Appeal to help advance that work here in our Archdiocese.”

2018 Catholic Appeal Begins This Weekend, March 3-4 – Watch Cardinal Sean’s Homily


2018 Catholic Appeal Homily – Cardinal Seán O’Malley

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley – Statement Regarding Ongoing Immigration Debate

Cardinal Sean O’Malley’s recent statement regarding the ongoing immigration debate, “A call for civility”, can be found on Cardinal Sean’s Blog.

Update from the Archdiocese regarding this weekend’s Special Collection for Disaster Relief

Last week, Cardinal Seán announced a special collection in support of Catholic Charities USA’s relief efforts in areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. Based on recent forecasts, the Archdiocese has amended the collection to include Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma, as well as other natural disasters that may affect the United States this year. The power and size of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are of historic proportion. Their arrival on back-to-back weeks will stretch the capacity of relief efforts.

Give today using ParishPay – you do not need to be a regular user of ParishPay – anyone can make a one-time donation by credit card. Just click the ParishPay link below (or on our website), choose Start Giving, and select Special Collection for Hurricane Disaster Relief under Secondary Collections.

Give at Mass this weekend – donations may be placed in the regular offertory basket at all Masses this weekend.  Please make checks out to St. John Parish and be sure to note “Hurricane Disaster Relief” in the memo. Cash donations should be placed in an envelope marked “Hurricane Disaster Relief”.  

Donations may also be mailed to or dropped at either parish office through September 15.

Please note: any checks/envelopes previously noted “Hurricane Harvey” will be included in this collection – there is no need to change the designation.

Catholic Charities USA is the official agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to deal with national disaster relief. While not a first responder that will have vehicles and personnel wading through flood waters, it is an agency that will look after the immediate short-term and long term needs of shelter, food and other recovery needs of families and individuals no matter what their background or religious beliefs. Because Catholic Charities USA is rooted in the community through local dioceses and parishes, this enables the organization to assist people through the various stages of the recovery process over a long period of time.

Please also remember all of our brothers and sisters in the afflicted areas, as well the first responders working on the relief efforts, in your prayers. On behalf of the Cardinal, thank you for your attentiveness to this important collection and expression of our solidarity with those who are suffering.

September 9-10: Special Collection for Hurricane Harvey Humanitarian and Recovery Efforts

Cardinal Seán has authorized a special collection this weekend, September 9-10, in all parishes in the Archdiocese of Boston, in support of the relief efforts to those areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey. There has been loss of life, property, and livelihoods. The funds collected will support the humanitarian and recovery efforts of Catholic Charities USA, the official domestic relief agency of the U.S. Catholic Church, and will provide pastoral and rebuilding support to dioceses in those areas impacted by Hurricane Harvey.

Donations to this special collection can be made now using ParishPay.  You do not need to be a regular user of ParishPay – anyone can make a one-time donation by credit card using the Start Giving feature. Just click the ParishPay link below or on our website, choose Start Giving, and select Special Collection for Hurricane Harvey Humanitarian and Recovery Efforts under Secondary Collections.


Donations may also be placed in the regular offertory basket at all Masses on the weekend of September 9-10, or they can be mailed to or dropped at either parish office through September 15.  Please make checks out to St. John Parish and be sure to note “Hurricane Harvey Collection” in the memo. Cash donations should be placed in an envelope marked “Hurricane Harvey Collection”.

Please also remember all of our brothers and sisters in the afflicted areas, as well the first responders working on the relief efforts, in your prayers. On behalf of the Cardinal, thank you for your attentiveness to this important collection and expression of our solidarity with those who are suffering.


Monthly Gathering for Young Adults at the new Shrine of Our Lady of Good Voyage – June 2 at 7:30pm


Christmas Collection – Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

Boston Priests are there for us. They share the Good News of Jesus Christ, by doing Good Works as His devoted disciples. By their words and example they are catalysts for Christ in a community of Good Faith, where together we live in love and service to God and one another. Our only collection at all Christmas Masses will be to support The Clergy Health and Retirement Trust (The Trust), which was established by the Archbishop of Boston to provide a continuum of care for the health and well-being of all diocesan priests in good standing. This Trust is separate from all other diocesan finances to ensure that the funds are used solely for this purpose. Please take a moment to view the video below about one of our Boston priests, Msgr. John McDonough. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance for your generosity.

“Because they serve the country, they should not be denied their faith.”
– Msgr. John McDonough. There for us.

Msgr. John McDonough: A Priest and a General from Clergy Health & Retirement Trust on Vimeo.

From Our Collaborative Pastoral Council

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallThe Collaborative Pastoral Council has been engaged since its formation in Disciples in Mission training offered by the Archdiocese and initial discussions at its monthly meetings concerning the key goals and objectives of the Collaborative. In addition, each Collaborative must focus on the development by mid-2017 of a Pastoral Plan which will establish priorities, including vocations to the Diocesan priesthood, for the Collaborative and provide the framework for the New Evangelization. The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has commenced that effort and a Writing Team has been established which includes members of the Council, parishioners and Parish staff. The Council and the Writing Team look forward to continuing their efforts with the arrival of Fr. Laughlin as the new Pastor this summer.