The Summer Weekend Mass Schedule for our Collaborative will begin on Saturday, July 3 and run through Sunday, September 5.  This schedule balances the number of Masses at each parish, provides the capacity to accommodate all parishioners who wish to attend Mass in-person, and includes an outdoor Mass option for those not ready to come inside.  All Masses will continue to be available to view via livestream with the exception of the Sunday 5pm Mass which is moving outside for the summer.

As always, parishioners are encouraged to attend the Masses within the collaborative that are most convenient. Envelopes and checks placed in the collections will be returned to your home parish. Now would be a great time to consider online giving! Online giving makes donating to your home parish simple and easy, regardless of where you are or the time of year, and this in turn provides the parish with more consistent and stable contributions.

Summer Schedule Begins Saturday, July 3


5:00pm Vigil Mass at St. John Church


9:00am Mass at St. John Church
11:00am Mass at St. Paul Church
5:00pm Mass at St. Paul on the Lawn (Outdoor Mass)*


*The Sunday 5:00pm Mass will remain outdoors at St. Paul all summer, as the space there lends itself better to larger crowds, so bring your lawn chairs and blankets! (In the event of rain, Mass will move inside the church.) 

We are excited to be able to bring back some of the music from the Sunday 5pm Youth Mass at these outdoor Masses, and to introduce you to Christian Wilson, our new Youth Music Coordinator.  Christian is a familiar face! He’s been an integral part of the Sunday 5pm Youth Mass for years as a talented pianist. He also serves in the Youth Ministry Team. He is a graduate of Boston College where he was involved in their vibrant Liturgy Arts Group, enlivening and enriching the worship experience on campus.

Joe Bradley, our new Confirmation and Youth Ministry Coordinator, and the rest of the Youth Ministry Team will be facilitating low-key Youth Ministry events for high school students following Mass.   


Collaborative Summer Mass Schedule Begins July 3-4