November 2008 Update from the Parish Pastoral Planning Group

church-springInvolved and concerned Catholics in forward-looking parishes and dioceses across the country are either responding to the huge challenges that lie ahead—in particular, the ongoing decline in the number of priests—or beginning the planning process. Some dioceses and their parishes have been very aggressive and successful in developing new approaches to pastoral organization and staffing. For examples of the planning efforts of other dioceses, please see the websites of Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Rochester and Richmond.

In May 2007, a Pastoral Planning Committee appointed by Cardinal O’Malley issued a pastoral planning report that lays out the challenges ahead for the church of Boston. This important document dramatically describes both the reality of the situation and the options available in responding. The report is available on the website of the Archdiocese of Boston (

The next major step in this process at the Archdiocesan level will be the selection of a new Archdiocesan Director of Pastoral Planning. This person will be given the jobs of developing a comprehensive framework for planning and overseeing the creation of the structure in which all parishes in the Boston Archdiocese will operate. Following the practice of other dioceses, a key feature of this new structure will be the grouping of parishes into collaboratives, which may eventually be the units to which priests will be assigned. There are obviously many important details to be considered and a number of critical decisions to be made at all levels of the Archdiocese.

Here at St. John’s, Father Tom and our Parish Pastoral Council created a committee called the Pastoral Planning Group to coordinate planning for the future of the parish. Essential tasks of the Pastoral Planning Group at this point are to raise awareness in the parish and to prepare the parish for the changes to come. We want to make sure that as this planning takes place within the Archdiocese and as various changes are implemented, the quality of parish life continues to flourish as together we search for closer relationships with God and ever more fruitful spiritual lives.

The Pastoral Planning Group will not be making decisions for the parish. Its role is to coordinate the planning work of many people and to facilitate the smooth flow of ideas and information, so that when decisions are made—by the pastor, Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils, and leaders of the various ministries of our parish—they will be based on solid reasoning and reflect the best views of the entire parish.

The Pastoral Planning Group welcomes your input and questions. Please feel free to leave a message at the rectory (781- St. John Pastoral Planning Group 235-0045) for any member of the group. Please also be on the lookout for Pastoral Planning Group page, coming soon to our parish website. Planning Group members are: Rosemary Donahue, Svea Fraser, Jerry Kehoe, Dan Kenslea, Mike Nilles and John Stewart.

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