Online Registration

Welcome to our Online Registration page.  To register online, simply complete the form below and click the “SUBMIT” button.  Fields marked with an * are required, but you may skip any other fields that are not applicable.  You will receive an email confirmation after your form is submitted successfully.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 781-235-0045 (Parish Office) or



    Address* City*: ST*: ZIP*:

    Primary Email*: Primary Phone*:


    Current Full Name:

    First*: Middle: Last*:

    Date of Birth:           Marital Status:

    Full Name at Birth (if different):

    First: Middle: Last:

    Catholic?YesNo      Baptised?YesNo      Confirmed? YesNo     
                    If No, please enter other denomination, if any:

    Email:           Cell Phone:
    You may add additional contact information for this family member, if desired.

    INFORMATION REGARDING SECOND ADULT INDIVIDUAL    (if applicable - if not, please skip to next section)

    Current Full Name:

    First: Middle: Last:

    Date of Birth:           Marital Status:

    Full Name at Birth (if different):

    First: Middle: Last:

    Catholic?YesNo      Baptised?YesNo      Confirmed? YesNo     
                    If No, please enter other denomination, if any:

    Email:           Cell Phone:
    You may add additional contact information for this family member if desired.

    Relationship to First Adult:
         If Spouse, please complete below:
              Married in the Catholic Church? YesNo     Date of Marriage:

    INFORMATION REGARDING CHILDREN LIVING AT HOME    (if applicable - if not, please skip to next section)
    Children older than 18 who are not full time students should complete their own forms.

    Child 1
    First: Middle: Last:

    Please Select: FemaleMale      Date of Birth:       Place of Birth:

    Attends Saint John School? YesNoPlease send information about Saint John School

    Enrolled in SJE Religious Education program? YesNoPlease send information about Religious Education

    Sacramental Information
    Baptism YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Reconciliation YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Communion YesNo      Year: Church:
    Confirmation YesNo      Year: Church:

    Child 2
    First: Middle: Last:

    Please Select: FemaleMale       Date of Birth:    Place of Birth:

    Attends Saint John School? YesNoPlease send information about Saint John School

    Enrolled in SJE Religious Education? YesNoPlease send information about Religious Education

    Sacramental Information
    Baptism: YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Reconciliation YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Communion: YesNo      Year: Church:
    Confirmation: YesNo      Year: Church:

    Child 3
    First: Middle: Last:

    Please Select: FemaleMale      Date of Birth:    Place of Birth:

    Attends Saint John School? YesNoPlease send information about Saint John School

    Enrolled in SJE Religious Education? YesNoPlease send information about Religious Education

    Sacramental Information
    Baptism YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Reconciliation YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Communion YesNo      Year: Church:
    Confirmation YesNo      Year: Church:

    Child 4
    First: Middle: Last:

    Please Select: FemaleMale       Date of Birth:    Place of Birth:

    Attends Saint John School? YesNoPlease send information about Saint John School

    Enrolled in SJE Religious Education? YesNoPlease send information about Religious Education

    Sacramental Information
    Baptism YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Reconciliation YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Communion YesNo      Year: Church:
    Confirmation YesNo      Year: Church:

    Child 5
    First: Middle: Last:

    Please Select: FemaleMale       Date of Birth:    Place of Birth:

    Attends Saint John School? YesNoPlease send information about Saint John School

    Enrolled in SJE Religious Education? YesNoPlease send information about Religious Education

    Sacramental Information
    Baptism YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Reconciliation YesNo      Year: Church:
    First Communion YesNo      Year: Church:
    Confirmation YesNo      Year: Church:


    Is there anyone in your home who is homebound, physically challenged, or has other special needs? YesNo
          If Yes, please explain below, or call us to discuss if you prefer (781-235-0045)

    Please send me Parish envelopes for my weekly collection offerings YesNo

    I am interested in online giving through WeShare YesNo
          Setting up online giving through WeShare is easy, convenient, and safe - just go to the WeShare page here on our website for information and instructions.
         If you have any questions, or would like help with the sign-up process, please let us know!
          Yes, please contact me about WeShare .

    If you have any questions, or if you have any additional information you would like to share, please let us know:

    For security purposes, please input the following code: captcha