From the AFFC – December 18, 2011

In this joyous season of Advent and as we approach the start of a new calendar year, it might be helpful to consider the tremendous opportunities we have for strengthening our spiritual lives – for going beyond our regular and prayerful participation in Sunday Mass and trying hard every day of the week to deepen, in some small way, our understanding of our Catholic faith and our relationship with God.  Our parish, like all successful faith communities, organizes a variety of faith formation programs and special projects. The parish website ( has complete descriptions and details, along with this section of the weekly bulletin. In summary we offer the following:

Scripture Study Groups – A meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 4 for those interested in discussing the Gospel of St. Matthew, using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible.

Book Discussion Group – Discussions are generally the second Thursday of each month. On January 12 we will look at the Book of Jonah and on February 9, A Guide to Thomas Aquinas, by Joseph Pieper.

Program for Women – Spiritual and social gatherings of women, in the evening, generally the second Tuesday of each month.

Men’s Group – Coffee, donuts and conversation, the first Saturday of each month, after the 7:00 a.m. Mass.

Advent and Lenten Lectures, study and discussion groups.

Collection of Books (free to be borrowed!) and periodicals in lower lobby of the church.

We are enriched by the many programs and activities offered the Archdiocese of Boston (, by the many nearby parishes (see especially websites of parishes in Wellesley, Weston, Needham, Newton) and by one of the largest and finest faith formation programs in the country, The Church in the 21st Century at Boston College (  The Boston College program includes conferences, lectures, publications, video and audio resources and courses, all of which are available to the public, as well as students and faculty of the college.

Finally, we urge you – we really beg you! – to let us know how we can help you, specifically, and better serve the parish, generally. Our Commission was created last spring because the pastor, Parish Council and Pastoral Planning Group recognized the need for one small committee of people to coordinate and promote faith formation.  We look forward to responding to your comments and
questions – and extend to all our best wishes for a blessed Christmas and an energized new year.

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission
Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin,
Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart, and
Ann Wachtmeister, Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor).

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