Adult Faith Formation Update – January 22, 2012

AFFC LogoThe Adult Faith Formation Commission (AFFC) meets monthly to plan programs and activities aimed at helping members of St. John’s parish to expand their understanding of all aspects of their faith. Our approach, quite simply, is to try to figure out what people want and need and somehow deliver it to them!  We have from time to time asked for your ideas and suggestions and we have received some, but the need for feedback is ongoing, so we encourage you to write or call and let us know just what we can do to help you.  At our meeting last week, we discussed our Programs for Lent.  The parish has purchased the ten-part documentary video, Catholicism, produced by Father Robert Barron, S.J.  This production has been broadcast on WGN America, EWTN, Relevant Radio and the Word of Fire You Tube Channel.  Also, Father Barron has a website ( that offers daily blogs, articles, commentaries and weekly sermon podcasts.  The ten segments begin with Amazed and Afraid: The Revelation of God Become Man and end with World Without End: Last Things.  Accompanying the DVDs are detailed study guides for each “lesson”, discussion questions and background notes.  We are not quite certain how we will organize the viewing and discussion of these presentations, but clearly they constitute a terrific overview of our basic beliefs as Catholics, a wonderful “refresher course” that would benefit all of us.  If you have ideas on how to use this material, please contact us right away!  In addition to making maximum use of Father Barron’s videos, we will have discussions of the slender book by Michael Paul Gallagher Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger, and Father Bryan Hehir will enrich us with several lectures.  The February 12 St. John’s Book Discussion Group meeting will be devoted to Josef Pieper’s Guide to Thomas Aquinas.  Professor Pieper was at the forefront of 20th century Catholic philosophy and his book provides both an overview of 13th century religious ideas and a wonderful (though brief) analysis of the life and works of one of the most influential Catholic thinkers since St. Augustine.

Program of Interest:  Sunday, January 22, 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Centre.  Social Security and Medicare: Protecting the Most Vulnerable in an Era of Cuts with Ellen Bruce, University of Massachusetts. Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Parish Justice and Peace Commission

Evening for Women: Tuesday, February 7, 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  Theme: A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel. Come with one of your favorite winter recipes to share!  All Welcome! Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

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