AFFC Update – January 15, 2012

AFFC LogoScripture Study Groups – We are off to a great start! Four groups have either started or will soon begin their study of the Gospel of St. Matthew.  There is room for more, so if you are interested please contact Marcia Grondin ( or 781-237-6249).  There are groups meeting weekday mornings and weekday evenings, usually for an hour and a half either once or twice a month. The book we are using is The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible ($10).

Book Discussion Group – The meeting on February 9 will focus on A Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Joseph Pieper. These gatherings are the second
Thursday of each month, in the Parish Center, from 7:30 to 9pm. There is no formal membership procedure.  To participate simply send your name to
Peter Mongeau, the chair of the group (, read the scheduled book and come to the meeting prepared to discuss it.  A list
of discussion questions and topics is sent to everyone on the email list a week or so before the meeting.  Please visit our page on the Parish website for more  information on the Book Discussion Group.

Lenten Programs – Lent will arrive in a little over five weeks! Among the Parish faith formation opportunities, we will have several groups discussing
a wonderful book by Michael Gallagher, Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger. (Paulist Press, $16.95)  Father Gallagher’s
goal is to present to readers searching for wisdom and understanding (all of us!) the essence of the faith of ten major thinkers of the last hundred or so years.  The content is challenging, to be sure, but written with an acute awareness of the questions ordinary people are asking, and in a style very appealing to the busy non-academic reader.

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