Saint John School March Madness Success!

On Friday, March 30th, Saint John School celebrated its own March Madness at their bi-annual school fundraiser. Parents, teachers, staff, alumni, and friends had a great time as they joined together to among other things, raise funds to renovate an upstairs bathroom to accommodate younger Saint John students. All in all, the evening was a great success, culminating with the donation of 3 additional Smart Boards, which now allows every classroom in the school to have the latest technology.  Many thanks to all who made this evening possible!

Fr. Tom and John Calcio with Auction Co-Chair Susan Calcio
(Photo by Mimi Eldridge)

Saint John School parents Kati Bannish, Suzanne Doherty, Sara Beggans, Noel Stavaridis and Marie Carroll

Saint John School parents Carol Mungovan and Mimi Eldridge
(Photos by Susan Calcio)

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