Adult Faith Formation Update – May 6, 2012

Again we encourage you to consider reading  Michael Paul Gallagher’s wonderful book Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers from Newman to Ratzinger. The “explorers” included are: John Henry Newman, Maurice Blondel, Karl Rahner, Hans von Balthasar, Bernard Lonergan, Flannery O’Connor, Dorothee Soelle, Charles Taylor, Pierangelo Sequeri and Joseph Ratzinger. The book is readably available in paperback ($12 – $18) and the parish has a number of copies – contact John Stewart, 617 969-0950 and he will get it to you.

Faith Formation Calendar

May 8, 6:30 p.m.  Evening for Woman – Social Hall
Final gathering for this year, when we will complete our journey into the heart of prayer in St. John’s Gospel! Come with your Spring/Summer recipe. All welcome! Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan

May 10, 7:30 p.m.  Book Discussion Group – Parish Center
This month’s selection is Demian, a short novel by Hermann Hesse, who received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1946.

May 10, 7:00 p.m. History of the Catholic Church in America by James O’Toole – Wellesley Public Library, Wakelin Room
Professor O’Toole is the Clough Millennium Chair in History at Boston College.
Professor O’Toole will discuss the history of the Catholic Church in America, with particular emphasis on the Boston Area.  Presented by The Wellesley Historical Society, World of Wellesley, and Wellesley Free Library.  For more information call (781) 235-1610, X1105

May 23, 7:30 p.m. Reflections on Vatican II: The Roles of Yves Congar and Marie-Dominique Chenu by Fr. Maury Scheppers – Social Hall
Fr. Scheppers, a Dominican priest from Kenya, is completing a year of study as a resident scholar at the Lonergan Institute of Boston College.
As Father Hehir pointed out in his recent lectures on Vatican II, Pope John invited several distinguished but controversial scholars to participate in the planning of the Council. Father Congar was a driving force in the ecumenical movement of the mid-twentieth century. He died in 1995, after being honored by Pope John Paul II who named him a cardinal. Father Chenu was a very progressive theologian who was influential in the drafting and ratification of the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World.

June 5, 7:30 p.m.  Lecture and Discussion on John Henry Newman by Father Robert Imbelli – Social Hall
Fr.  Imbelli is an Associate Professor of Theology at Boston College.
Newman is considered one of the theological “giants” of the 19th century, an age when belief in God seemed in deep trouble in many countries. His extensive writings reflect his drive to make sense of the Christian vision, to appreciate in greater detail just how we arrive at faith. We too live in an age when many are struggling to understand the role that God plays in our lives. The thoughts and inspirations of Newman are as relevant today as they were when he died in 1890.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

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