June 5, 7:30 pm – Lecture and Discussion on John Henry Newman

by Father Robert Imbelli – Social Hall

Cardinal Newman’s extensive writings reflect his drive to make sense of the Christian vision, to appreciate in greater detail just how we arrive at faith. We too live in an age when many are struggling to understand the role that God plays in our lives. The thoughts and inspirations of Newman are as relevant today as they were when he died in 1890.  Father Imbelli’s talk and the discussion will focus on the chapter on Cardinal Newman in the book Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers. Copies of this book are available ($16.95), or we can send you just the chapter at no cost. Contact John Stewart at johnstewart@alum.bu.edu.

Fr.  Imbelli is an Associate Professor of Theology at Boston College.  This lecture is sponsored by the St. John’s Book Discussion Group.

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