Tell Us Which Programs Interest You!

AFFC LogoTo assist in our planning the Adult Faith Formation Commission is looking for expressions of interest in one or more of the following programs –

1) Scripture study – small groups, meeting either in homes or at church; mornings or evenings, weekdays or weekends; systematic reading and discussion of sections of old and new testaments.
2) Book discussion group – reading and discussing one book a month (generally about 200 pages) on a range of topics.
3) Discussions of general issues of concern to Catholics – broad-ranging discussions of issues, challenges and opportunities of concern to Catholics; weekday mornings or evenings.
4) Lectures and discussions – 30-45 minute talks by knowledgeable men and women followed by questions and discussions; weekday mornings or evenings or Sunday afternoons or evenings.
5) Film discussion group — viewing and discussing one film a month, documentary or fiction with religious theme; weekday or Saturday evenings.

Please send us an email message or call with your name and the program(s) of interest: or 617 969 0950 (John Stewart).  There is no obligation, no commitment! Thanks.

St. John’s Faith Formation Commission
Linda Colozzi, Pat Kelleher (chair), Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor), John Salvati, John Stewart and Anne Wachtmeister

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