Adult Faith Formation Update – Book Discussion Group

The first two books on the schedule of the St. John’s Book Discussion Group are:

September 13: Wise Blood by Flannery O’Connor
Ms. O’Connor once described herself as a “hillbilly Thomist”, pointing out that she read Aquinas for twenty minutes every night. This novel, 129 pages, is readily available in paperback. We will also discuss Father Gallagher’s chapter in Faith Maps, “Flannery O’Connor: Assaulting the Imagination”, a wonderful, brief analysis of the thought behind her writing.

October 11: Voting and Holiness: Catholic Perspectives on Political Participation, edited by Nicholas Cafardi
The Conference of Catholic Bishops has once again issued a “call to political responsibility”, urging Catholics to become informed citizens and to analyze issues and candidates before voting. Our October discussion will give people an opportunity to explore some of the specific connections (and non-connections?) between Catholic teaching and the political issues of 2012.

All meetings are from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.  Although the books selected for each month are mostly under 200 pages and can generally be purchased for less than $20 (or borrowed from the library), we recognize how difficult it is for some to read each one. Thus, people often come to these gatherings with a broad understanding of the topic, author or focus of the book, rather than a grasp of the specific details. This is fine. For more information about the Book Discussion Group please contact the Adult Faith Formation Commission or call one of the leaders of the group – Peter Mongeau, Anita Martin , Julie and Frank McConville or John Stewart.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

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