Adult Faith Formation News – October 21, 2012

AFFC LogoLIBRARY: We invite you to visit our parish library on the ground floor, Ledyard Street entrance.  The books are there for you.  New books are purchased periodically.  DONATIONS are welcomed  (current books, good condition, adult reading).

Thursday, October 25: The Power of Boundless Compassion  
An evening with Fr. Gregory Boyle, S.J., author “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion”.
7 p.m. Boston College, Rosbsham Theatre

Sunday, October 28: Growing Our Faith through Story-Telling
An afternoon workshop for those with a desire for deeper relationship with themselves, each other and with God.  We will “come away with Christ” and allow the Holy Spirit to inform, reform and transform us through the stories we share with one another… those in Scripture and those our own lives reveal to us. Contact Linda Colozzi for more information at (781) 552-9667
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in the Parish Center

FOR YOUR INFORMATION:  Click on The Church in the 21st Century
to view lectures/workshops you can attend at Boston College.  Check out for online minicourses.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

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