May 5: My Faith Map

My Faith MapMy Faith Map by Linda Colozzi
Like Bartimaeus, the blind man that Jesus healed, I was blind to the light of faith and called out to God for help. I cried out, “Who are you, God? Where are you? I want the truth!” God answered me with a sense of peace that day and called me into prayer the next day….and the next. I first prayed to the “One”, then it was the “Holy One”, then I came to know the “Holy Spirit” who revealed Jesus as God to me. That began a 40-year practice of daily prayer that led me from Judaism into the Catholic Church through the RCIA program in 1991. Continuing to say, “Yes” to wherever God leads me has brought me more happiness than I ever knew possible, though not without struggle and pain. Today, I serve as Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Care at Elizabeth Seton Residence where I have been for over 12 years. In addition, I began to journey with the Sisters of Charity – Halifax as an Associate over 10 years ago. Bringing “joyful witness to God’s love” through conscious and intentional community building is the call I hear today.
All is gift. All is God. All is grace.

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