Collaborative FAQ 6: What will happen to our pastors?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 6: When it’s time for our parish to start our Parish Collaborative, what will happen to our pastors?
In short, we don’t know yet. There will be one Pastor shared between St. John’s and St. Paul’s. The Archdiocese has stated that the Pastor for each Collaborative shall be a priest:
· Whose reputation is well established
· Who is committed to the mission of the Church and to the New Evangelization
· Who has a proficiency in working in a collaborative environment, with strong skills of leadership, decision-making, oversight, and communication
· Who can work well with staff and parish councils
· Who can maintain an equitable relationship between/among the parishes
· Who is respectful of the different cultures of the parishes
· Who has the language skills to care for the people of his parishes
· Who is willing to participate in significant training and evaluation.

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