Wednesday, October 16: Faith Maps Lecture Series with Fr. Robert Imbelli

ImbelliThe “Faith Maps” Lecture Series is back,  with Fr. Robert Imbelli speaking on Benedict and Francis: Light of Faith and New Evangelization on Wednesday, October 16 at 7pm in the Social Hall.  The “Year of Faith” is also the historic year of two Popes: Benedict and Francis. There has been much comment about the “Francis effect,” and there is little doubt that a new style has characterized Pope Francis’ first six months as Bishop of Rome. But there is not only great respect between the two, but also a deep continuity, best seen in “the Encyclical written with four hands:” Lumen Fidei.  Father Robert Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, has taught theology at B.C. for twenty-seven years. He studied in Rome during the Second Vatican Council and had the opportunity to return for the fiftieth anniversary of the Council and the inauguration of the Year of Faith. He also was present in Rome when Pope Francis was elected. His book, “Rekindling the Christic Imagination” will be published in June (fingers crossed!).

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