Why Catholic?

St. Paul’s wwhycatholiclanguages-158x160ill soon be gathering into small faith communities for Why Catholic?. Why Catholic? is a faith formation and evangelization program offered by the Archdiocese for adults to explore the richness of their Catholic faith, deepen their relationship with Christ and share more fully in the mission of the Church. This fall, the program’s theme is “Eucharist – Bread for the Journey” and focuses on the importance of full, active participation in Sunday Mass, the centrality of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, the celebration of the Paschal Mystery, and how Catholics live this mystery in their daily lives. This program is open to St. John’s parishioners and gives them an opportunity to meet new friends and share our faith in the comfort of a parishioner’s home. Why Catholic? will begin the week of October 6 and will meet once a week for 6 weeks. More information and signups will be available during the month of September. New members are welcome as well as returning participants. If you would like to be a group leader or open up your home for a group please contact Kay Kociuba, St. Paul Pastoral Associate at (781) 235-1060.

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