“Coats for Kids” Drive This Weekend – November 19th & 20th

Are you preparing for the winter? Have your kids outgrown their coats? Here is a great opportunity to share the warmth – by simply donating a warm coat, you help warm someone’s heart!  St. John’s is participating in the Coats for Kids drive by Anton’s Cleaners, a Boston-wide coat collection campaign for childrenteens,adults and babies.  All you have to do is drop off the coats this weekend at church and we will take the rest.

What type of coats should we collect?  Warm coats of all sizes for childrenteens,adults and babies. They must be of good quality with no rips, tears, broken zippers or permanent stains – coats you would give a friend to wear.

When should we drop off coats? After all the Masses on Saturday November 19 and Sunday November 20.

 Where do we drop off coats?  In the Rectory garage (behind the church) – tables will be set up for drop off.

Any questions?   Please contact Shilan Yeung (781-237-2612) or Deirdre Heilbron (617-894-4416)

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