From the AFFC: New Scripture Study Groups

In a few weeks our Parish will organize a number of small study groups to focus, as our first effort, on the Gospel of St. Matthew. While scholars have never pinned down which of the four gospels was the first to be written, Matthew’s account is the one quoted most frequently in the literature of earliest Christians. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, which we will use, is filled not only with background history but clear and complete footnotes, explaining terms, concepts, and essential messages. We encourage you to very seriously consider joining one of the Scripture Study Groups. There are sample copies of the study guide in the library area on the lower level of the church. Please take a moment to look at it and don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Faith Formation
Commission ( if you have questions. If you want to have your name on a list to receive further, specific information about these study groups, send an email message to

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