Upcoming Events from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

Advent/Christmas – We will have a variety of special parish activities in December, including two lectures by Father Hehir.   Look for a flyer and email messages! We are assembling a list of recommended books for Advent
reading or Christmas gifts, but one that has received good reviews is: Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor, and Laughter Are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life, by James Martin, S.J. (“Father Martin reminds us that happiness is the good God’s own goal for us.” – Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York)

Adult Faith Formation Calendar

November 8, 6:30pm (Chapel, Social Hall)  – Program for Women (Our theme this year is “A Journey Into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel.”)

November 10, 7:30pm (Parish Center) – Book Discussion, Elizabeth Johnson, Quest for the Living God

November 14, 7:00pm (Social Hall) – “What is Human Trafficking and What Can I Do About It?”,  Sr. Carole Lombard, Director of Peace and Justice, Sisters of St. Joseph (Boston)

Other Programs of Interest

November 6, 7:30, Sacred Heart Parish (Newton Centre):  “Immigrants: Illegal?” –  sponsored by Parish Peace and Justice Committee; Merjean Perhot, Director, Refugee and Immigration Legal Services Division, Archdiocese of Boston

November 8, 4:30pm, Center for Human Rights and International Justice at Boston College:  Panel discussion commemorating the 25th anniversary of the American bishops pastoral letter “Economic Justice for All”;
Murray Function Room; Yawkey Center; panelists include John Donahue and Mary Jo Bane.

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