Adult Faith Formation Update – February 26

Stephen Brown, a member of St. John’s parish and a distinguished theologian at Boston College, has generously offered to meet on three Wednesday mornings in Lent to talk about “St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent”.  These will be relatively small, informal sessions in the parish Social Hall (lower level of the church) from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. on February 28, March 13 and March 27.  In addition to his teaching Professor Brown is director of the Boston College Institute of Medieval Philosophy and Theology. The discussions are open to all! Reservations are not necessary, but if you are planning to participate it would be helpful to drop a note to

Many members of the parish have participated in previous sessions of the program “Bridges to Contemplative Living”, focused on Thomas Merton.  Svea Fraser will lead a group on the topic of “Becoming Who You Are”, on Wednesday evenings, 7:30, in the Parish Center. The first meeting is February 29. For information and to register write to  Despite the fact that he died more than forty years ago Thomas Merton remains one of the most widely-read Catholic writers, and an inspiration to people of all ages.

These are but two of the many faith formation efforts available during Lent.  Check the parish website for details or contact the Adult Faith Formation Commission.  The full schedule is below:

February 28 “St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent”, Professor Stephen Brown
February 29 “Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton”, Svea Fraser
March 1 “Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers”, John Stewart
March 3 Men’s Group, Deacon Tom Smith
March 3 “Word on Fire: Catholicism, a Documentary Video”, Pat Kelleher
March 4 “Word on Fire: Catholicism, a Documentary Video”, Pat Kelleher
March 4 “Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers”, Sr. Evelyn Ronan
March 6 Program for Woman, Sr. Evelyn Ronan
March 12 “Vatican II, the Fiftieth Anniversary”, Fr. Bryan Hehir
March 13 “St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent”, Professor Stephen Brown
March 14 Book Discussion, “Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy”, Peter Mongeau
March 19 “Vatican II, the Fiftieth Anniversary”, Fr. Bryan Hehir
March 27 “St. Augustine’s Sermons on Lent”, Professor Stephen Brown

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission: Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin, Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart, and Anne Wachtmeister Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor)


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