Adult Faith Formation Update – February 5, 2012

AFFC LogoWe live in an age of information abundance! The Church was slow in realizing the potential of the internet as a vehicle for evangelization and for helping people understand the crucial role that ideas and enlightenment play in their spiritual lives. But a lot has been done in the last decade or so and everyone with a computer now has ready access to information about every imaginable aspect of their faith as Catholics. Whatever format people use to keep track of “favorite” or “most used” sites, the following should definitely be included: – Our parish website is constantly being improved. The goal is to make it a basic tool for helping people with contact information; educational and faith formation programs; developments in the organization and financing of parish life; and opportunities to help in keeping St. John’s the parish it has always been. – One of the most used sections of the site of the Archdiocese is on “pastoral planning”.  There are a host of documents relating to the current changes! – The site of the American Bishops, like that of the Vatican, contains a lot of information on beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church. It also has sections on current public issues, particularly helpful for those who enjoy political discussions. – In many ways the Holy See has made the greatest progress in using electronic media. The pure volume of material on the Vatican’s site is mind-boggling – everything from the text of the Catholic catechism to ordering information for music from the Sistine Chapel choir. – We have mentioned this site before, but it’s worth emphasizing the easy access we have to a range and quality of faith formation opportunities not available in most areas of the country. – This is a new site, wonderfully designed to inform people of the many issues and questions involved in the referendum on physician assisted suicide. It is vitally important that all Massachusetts citizens, particularly Catholics, have easy access to this information. Check it out, today!

Faith Formation Calendar

February 7Evening for Women  in the Social Hall at 6:30 p.m.                  A Journey into the Heart of Prayer in St. John’s Gospel

February 9 – Book Discussion Group in the Parish Center at 7:30 p.m.  A Guide to Thomas Aquinas by Joseph Pieper

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission: Patrick Blomberg, Linda Colozzi, Marcia Grondin, Pat Kelleher (chair), John Salvati, John Stewart,  Anne Wachtmeister,  Sister Evelyn Ronan (advisor)

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