This year we are offering Confirmation students an opportunity to
fulfill community service hours at our upcoming Parish Family Picnic Brunch on Sunday, September 23.
Parents, please encourage your child’s participation in this fun Parish event – we truly need their help! The event takes place in the morning with time slots available from 8:00am – 2:00pm. Volunteer with a friend – you can choose one slot or as many as you like. It’s a great way to serve our parish community, have fun working with friends, and log some community service hours all at the same time! Just go to
Parish Family Picnic Signup and select the shift(s) you wish to serve. If you have any questions, please contact
Susan Calcio. Thank you very much for your enthusiasm and service to the parish.
All students in the Parish’s Confirmation program must complete 25 hours of community service prior to reception of the Sacrament at the end of grade 10. We strongly encourage students to begin accruing these hours in grade 9.