News from the AFFC: Lonergan Lecture and an Invitation to Join!

AFFC LogoThe Adult Faith Formation Commission would like to expand its membership and we invite you to consider becoming part of this very important parish activity. The commission is responsible for planning and coordinating all efforts relating to religious education for adults. Our goal is to help members of the parish to expand and enhance their understanding and appreciation of the message of the gospels, to see faith formation as part of being a responsible Catholic. The commission has been meeting monthly, except for the summer months, since its creation. Much of the work, however, can be done by individuals and sub-committees and coordinated informally by email and telephone. We would be more than happy to talk to potential commission members – in person, by phone or by email. Please drop us a note at

November 28, 7:30pm – “The Genius of Bernard Lonergan”, Social Hall.  A talk by Fred Lawrence, Boston College Theology Department and Director of the Lonergan Workshop.  Bernard Lonergan, born in 1904 in Canada, was a twenty-four year old student of philosophy in England when he discovered John Henry Newman’s Grammar of Assent. He reportedly read it six times, thus setting out on a lifetime journey to show how we justify judgments of truth in areas that are not just empirical, such as faith. Father Lonergan, often referred to as one of the most significant philosophical thinkers of the twentieth century, finished his intellectual apostolate as Distinguished Professor of Theology at Boston College, after holding posts at Jesuit seminaries in Canada, Harvard, the Gregorian University in Rome, and Regis College in Toronto. (Note: There is a wonderful chapter on Bernard Lonergan in Faith Maps, by Michael Paul Gallagher.)

December 4, 6:30pm – Evening for Women, Social Hall/Chapel 
Sr. Evelyn Moderator

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