Lectio Divina – Begins this Sunday, February 24 at 3:30pm in the Parish Center

lectio_divina Words, Words, Words. Words have power. In the midst of the relentless bombardment of meaningless sound bites some really hit home. They hit us in our deepest core.  They resonate with a deeper interior truth. Allowing the words of sacred Scripture to touch us this way at the center of our being is an ancient prayer method called Lectio Divina, literally “holy or sacred reading.” It’s simple and flexible for anybody with an over-stimulated mind seeking to stir the embers of faith and love of a relationship with God. It begins with a short passage—a verse or two of Scripture (lectio) until a word or phrase jumps out at you. Next, ask – What does this mean to me? What is God trying to tell me? (meditatio). This leads into a time of prayer—a conversation with God (oratio). Finally, you take a moment to silently rest in the presence of God (contemplatio). Sound interesting? Want to learn more? Lent is the perfect season to try it out. Sr. Evelyn Ronan and Deacon Tom Shuler invite you to re-ignite the embers of faith” this Lent with a four-session program, “Holy Reading.” Join them each Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel beginning February 24th. You’re welcome to come to one or all sessions, and there’s no need to register for anything.
Sundays, beginning February 24, from 3:30-4:30pm in the Parish Center Chapel Room.

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