March 17: News from the AFFC

AFFC LogoMonday, March 18 – Lecture: The Challenge of Catholic Teaching on War and Peace in the Present Moment
Episcopal Visitor Lecture, Most Reverend Robert W. McElroy
Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, BC 4:30pm
Is war ever justified? What are its limits in an age of weapons of mass destruction? When is a nation obliged to end a war? In an America which is
embroiled in the longest war in its history, Bishop McElroy proposes that the Catholic tradition provides rich wisdom and challenges those who seek to
forge a pathway of justice in an age of terror.  FREE of charge – please register by emailing

Wednesday, March 20 – Book Launch: Encountering Jesus in the Scripture Presenters: Fr. Daniel Harrington, SJ & Christopher R. Matthews, Professors, STM
Theology and Ministry Library, BC, 5:30pm

Sunday, April 7 – Understanding the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict
Alice Rothchild, MD, co-chair American Jews for a Just
Peace; Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Parish Justice and Peace Committee
Sacred Heart Parish, Newton Centre 7:30pm

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