Collaborative FAQ 7: How Can One Pastor Handle the Job?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 7:  How can one Pastor handle the job of being Pastor for both St. John’s and St. Paul’s?! What type of training will he receive to enable him to tackle such a big job?
Although there will be just one Pastor for each Collaborative, he will not be the only person carrying out the work of the Church. He will leverage his time by utilizing a team of appointed Clergy (Parochial Vicars and Deacons), a Pastoral Team, Pastoral Council members, Finance Council members, and School Board members. Many of these individuals will undergo formal training with the Central Ministries of the Archdiocese. Training will focus on New Evangelization, Catholic Leadership, and the mechanics of Collaboration. In addition, the pastor and pastoral service team will be developing a pastoral plan that will include opportunities for laity in both parishes to support various parish ministries and activities.
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