Invitations from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

AFFC LogoAFFC (Adult Faith Formation Commission) is expanding its membership and we invite you to consider being a part of this very important activity. This invitation is open to members of both St. John and St. Paul parishes. As a collaborative, we have an opportunity to share membership in coordinating efforts relating to faith formation for adults. The goal is to help parishioners expand and enhance our understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith, which includes the message of the gospels, prayer, lectures and study. In the words of St. Anselm, this is the work of theology: “faith seeking understanding.” By doing so we deepen our knowledge and our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. Meetings are limited to planning events (every 6-8 weeks) and much of the work can be done by individuals and coordinated informally by email and telephone. Please contact the AFFC for a lot more information!

EVENING FOR WOMEN will return on Tuesday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. in St. John’s Chapel/Powers Hall. Save the Date!

WHY CATHOLIC? Coming Soon – Journey through the Catechism Pray: Christian Prayer Groups are forming now! Contact Kay Kociuba at

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