Each year, through our Collaborative Lenten Gift, we reach out as a community to one particular place of suffering, amid so many in the world. Over the years, our reach has extended around the globe, as far as the Central African Republic and as close as the streets of Boston. This year, we will open our eyes and hearts to the plight of those who are suffering right here in our own community – and who are so often unseen in the midst of the abundance that surrounds us – and reach out to help through our newly formed St. John – St. Paul Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
Throughout Lent, here and in the bulletin, we will share this story with you – the story of the need, and the story of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – as we prepare for our collaborative-wide Special Collection on April 6-7. Throughout Lent, here and in the bulletin, we will share this story with you – the story of the need, and the story of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – as we prepare for our collaborative-wide Special Collection on April 6-7. Please visit our 2019 Collaborative Lenten Gift page for weekly updates.
Our gift will allow each of us to share in easing the suffering and to answer Lent’s clarion call to love extravagantly.