Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas Eve
4:00 pm (Upper and Lower Church)
5:30 pm (Family Mass)
7:00 pm
10:00 pm  (9:30 pm Choir Program)

Christmas Day  10:30 am  (no 5:00 pm Mass on Christmas Day)

The Light is On For You – Wednesday, December 21 6:30pm – 8pm

Please join us on Wednesday, December 21 from 6:30-8pm in the Chapel for this special gift of Confession.  There is no better way to prepare for Christmas!

Grade 1 Christmas Pageant – Sunday, December 18 at 8:45am Mass

The Religious Ed 1st Grade classes will be in costume as they present the Christmas Gospel this Sunday, December 18 at the 8:45am Mass.

The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year.  Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

Religious Ed classes resume January 8th.

From the AFFC – December 11, 2011

NEW BIBLE STUDY – There will be a meeting of those interested in participating in the scripture study groups on Wednesday evening, January 4 in the Social Hall.  7:00pm (refreshments, socializing)  7:30 to 8:45pm (meeting).

At this meeting we will distribute the books ($10); discuss location, frequency, and time of meetings; begin forming groups; and gather any ideas or input you may have regarding the sessions. As we have said, our goal is to have enough groups so that everyone can find a meeting time and day and a frequency that fits their schedule, whether weekends, weekday evenings, weekday mornings,
etc.  Please mark your calendar now! If you cannot attend the meeting and definitely want to participate, please contact Marcia Grondin at:   If you want to pick up a copy of the book in advance you can get it at the rectory.


Faith Maps: Ten Religious Explorers,  from Newman to Joseph Ratzinger  by Michael Paul Gallagher (We will be organizing some discussions of this book
during Lent.)

Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith  by Robert Barron (Father Barron is the founder of the international ministry, “Word on Fire” and creator
and host of a widely acclaimed documentary series and study program about the Catholic faith.)

The Gift of Years: Growing Old Gracefully  by Joan Chittister (Described by Father Andrew Greeley as “..the best book I have read on the subject of aging,
a dazzling work radiant with gems of insight on every page.”)

Advent Workshop: Saturday December 10 from 9am-12pm

A time for reflection and ways to find peace and contentment through sound, movement and dietary practices. Suggested donation $15. Contact Julie Freeman

Parish Christmas Concert – Sunday December 11 at 2pm

Please join us on Sunday at 2pm for our Parish Christmas Concert – the Parish Choir, Family Mass Musicians, Christmas Youth Choir and St. John School Chorus come together to provide a concert of Christmas music that will delight all ages!

Tuesday December 6 – Evening for Women

A Journey Into the Heart in the Light of Advent – Tuesday December 6 at 6:30pm in the Social Hall.  Through prayer, presentation and sharing, we will ponder how the core of faith is Love offered and accepted; how God invites us to imagine our lives as grounded in a Love beyond all imagining. Come join us for this graced evening and bring one of your favorite “winter recipes” for a wonderful Pot Luck!  All are welcome!

Thursday December 8 – Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Thursday December 8 is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation.  Masses will be at 7am, 12pm, 5:30pm.

Advent Lectures with Father Bryan Hehir – December 5 and 12 at 7:30pm

Please join us on December 5 and 12 from 7:30-9pm in the Church for Advent Lectures with Father Bryan Hehir:

Monday,  December 5:  The Physician Assisted Suicide Debate in Massachusetts

Monday December 12: Religious Freedom and Catholic Institutions – Pastoral, Social, and Health Care

“I have come that you may have life, and have it in its fullness”  John 10:10

From the AFFC: New Scripture Study Groups

In a few weeks our Parish will organize a number of small study groups to focus, as our first effort, on the Gospel of St. Matthew. While scholars have never pinned down which of the four gospels was the first to be written, Matthew’s account is the one quoted most frequently in the literature of earliest Christians. The Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, which we will use, is filled not only with background history but clear and complete footnotes, explaining terms, concepts, and essential messages. We encourage you to very seriously consider joining one of the Scripture Study Groups. There are sample copies of the study guide in the library area on the lower level of the church. Please take a moment to look at it and don’t hesitate to contact a member of the Faith Formation
Commission ( if you have questions. If you want to have your name on a list to receive further, specific information about these study groups, send an email message to