Category Archives: Adult Faith Formation

Programs This Evening Cancelled Due to Weather

Winter_Weather_CancellationsDue to the forecast of snow and ice starting at suppertime, it seems the wisest thing to do do is to cancel tonight’s “Evening for Women” gathering. Marian Movement  (Rosary) is also cancelled. So sorry Mother Nature is out doing her performances. Mother Nature wins again!

“Evening for Women” – Tuesday, March 3 at 6:30pm

heart-of-godWe gather together at 6:30 p.m. in our Church Social Hall to continue this year’s journey: Pondering Grace through the Lens of Love.  Bring your favorite Winter recipe for a fabulous potluck!
All Welcome! Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan,  SND

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

Lenten Series on Pope Francis Begins This Sunday, March 1

Pope Francis has captured the world with his joyful faith and commitment to the most disenfranchised in society. In this four-week series, journey into the Pope’s highly-acclaimed letter to the whole Church, The Joy of the Gospel, and discover for yourself the mind and heart of Pope Francis and his appeal and challenge to all Christian believers. (Come join this special journey with others, whenever you can – each session stands alone and materials will be provided each week.)
Begins this Sunday, March 1 and runs through Sunday, March 22
3:00-4:30 p.m. Parish Center
Moderator: Gerald Kehoe

Our Lenten Program – C21 Engage: Mind ~ Heart ~ Life

Engage_CD_2ENGAGE: a faith formation program for adults is offered by the Church in the 21st Century Center (C21) at Boston College. Drawing upon the best resources available in the Boston College community, this initiative provides dynamic programming and strategies to nurture an adult’s faith.  We are delighted to be able to offer this wonderful program to our Parish.

Similar to our successful ARISE Program, ENGAGE is designed to build Catholic community by sharing Religious and Spiritual experiences and practices in small groups (6-10 people), in a parishioner’s home or our Parish Center, led by a facilitator, in five sessions, on the themes of: Spirituality Matters, Prayer, Discernment, Hospitality and Family Practices. The resources provided are based on the textbook Catholic Spiritual Practices: A Treasury of Old and New by Colleen Griffith and Thomas Groome from B.C. and include guidelines, videos and reflections.

Groups will begin the week of March 16.

Registration sign-up sheets for participants, hosts, and facilitators available in the Glen Road foyer and on our website.  Sessions will be in the evenings (7:30 to 9:00pm) or during the day at a time that a group selects.  Please consider hosting or facilitating a group – love to have you!

For more information please contact mail our Adult Faith Formation Commission: or the McConvilles: or 781-237-6458.   You can also visit the C21 ENGAGE website.


Catholic_Spiritual_Practices_largeAll are invited to participate in one of our Lenten programs presented in collaboration with Boston College’s The Church in the 21st Century and based on a book by theologians Colleen Griffith and Tom Groome titled Catholic Spiritual Practices – A Treasury of Old and New.  This series, “Engage – Mind, Heart & Lives”, is similar to our ARISE Program of years ago. Groups of 8-12 will meet in homes or at St. John’s. We will need volunteer HOSTS and FACILITATORS. Boston College’s The Church in the 21st Century  program will provide us with the program instructions – including: SERIES OUTLINE, VIDEOS and BOOK.  In our groups, we will explore the concepts of Spirituality and Religion in relation to each other and the treasury we have of old and new spiritual practices. If interested in volunteering, please contact the McConvilles at (781) 237-6458 or 

AFFC Presentation CANCELLED for Monday, February 9

CancelledTonight’s lecture by Maria Bianco, “An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church”, has been cancelled due to the storm.

Tonight’s “Evening for Women Program” is CANCELLED


AFFC Presentation: “An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church” on Monday, February 9 at 7pm

Tribunal_LogoMaria Bianco, one of the judges at the Metropolitan Tribunal for the Archdiocese since 2003, will present “An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church”. Maria graduated from the School of Law at Catholic University in Argentina and was a Canon Lawyer at the Lateran University in Rome. Before moving to Boston, she had been teaching Civil Law at the Catholic University and University of Moron in Buenos Aires and Canon Law at the Seminary of the Diocese of San Isidro. She also worked as a civil attorney and as an Advocate for Canon Law cases at the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires.  Monday, February 9, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall

The AFFC Series on Contemplative Living Has Been Cancelled


February 1: News and Events from the AFFC

Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton
Sundays, 3:00 – 4:30pm beginning February 1 to March 15 (excluding March 8) in the Parish Center
Moderator: Steve Maddaloni from Pope John Seminary
This wonderful series is intended for anyone seeking to live more contemplatively. Through a prayer and reading from Thomas Merton and other spiritual masters and the resource of the book, available at the first session, participants revisit and refresh their perspectives on life. This opportunity helps us to understand what Merton insists: that our spiritual life is our everyday lived experience. To register, e-mail Steve Maddaloni at Book payment at first session. All Welcome!

Tuesday, February 3 at 6:30pm
Program for Women 
Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND
We gather together at 6:30 p.m. in our Church Social Hall to continue this year’s journey: Pondering Grace through the Lens of Love.  Bring your favorite Winter recipe for a fabulous potluck! All Welcome!

Monday, February 9, 7:00pm
An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church
Presenter: Maria Bianco, one of the Judges at the Metropolitan Tribunal for the Archdiocese since 2003. Maria graduated from the School of Law at Catholic University in Argentina and as a Canon Lawyer at the Lateran University in Rome. Before moving to Boston, she had been teaching Civil Law at the Catholic University and University of Moron in Buenos Aires and Canon Law at the Seminary of the Diocese of San Isidro. She also worked as a civil attorney and as an Advocate for Canon Law cases at the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires. In the Social Hall.

All are invited to participate in one of our Lenten programs presented in collaboration with Boston College’s The Church in the 21st Century and based on a book by theologians Colleen Griffith and Tom Groome titled Catholic Spiritual Practices – A Treasury of Old and New.
This series, “Engage – Mind, Heart & Lives”, is similar to our ARISE Program of years ago. More information to come!