Category Archives: Family Mass

St. John’s Music: Family Mass Musicians

FamilyMassMusicThe Family Mass Musicians are always welcoming new members, old and you alike.  All that’s required is a love of music and a willing spirit. And what better time to try out the music ministry you’ve always considered joining than during the Lent and Easter seasons?  We rehearse at 8am on Sunday mornings in the Music Office downstairs in preparation for the 9am Family Mass, and we will have two special rehearsals dedicated to the Easter Sunday Mass, on March 30 and April 13 right after the 9am Mass.  All our music is readily accessible to all levels of musicians and is specially geared toward the youth in our community. Please consider joining us to celebrate this holiest of seasons by adding your sound to ours. We’d love to have you!

5th and 6th Grade Youth Mass: Sunday, March 30

youth_massOn March 30th, the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass will be hosted by 5th and 6th grade students at our St. John’s Youth Mass. Students in Grades 5 and 6 from our Parish, Religious Education classes, Family Clusters, and Saint John School are all invited to take part in the Mass. If your child would like to be a greeter, reader, or present the gifts and/or help with the collection, please email Chrissy Cassa at with your child’s name and what they would like to volunteer for.

Join Us at the 9:00am Family Mass

Family Mass_AltarSt. John’s Family Mass is held on Sundays at 9:00 a.m.,  followed by Donuts and Coffee downstairs in the Social Hall. The Family Mass is a wonderful way for families young and old to participate in prayer and worship together. This Mass supports the Religious Education program with seasonal and grade level liturgies throughout the year. Features of the Family Mass include:

* Music appealing to the children sung by our Family Mass Choir
* Homilies meaningful to both children and adults
* Children serving as gift bearers and other special roles
* Youth Choir during Easter and Christmas

For more  information,  or to be added to the Family Mass Email List, please visit our Family Mass page

Family Mass Coffee and Donut Volunteers Needed

Family Mass_AltarWe need to fill in our 2014 Volunteer Schedule for the Donut & Coffee Hour following the 9:00am Family Mass. If you have not had a chance to host yet, or are ready to host again, please be sure to go online and pick a date that is convenient for your family!

Are you new to our Family Mass?  Learn more about this wonderful way for families young and old to participate in prayer and worship together – visit our Family Mass page!


Come In Out of the Cold at the POLO Playgroup!

POLO_LogoLooking for something to do with your kids as the weather gets colder? Stop by the POLO (Parents of Little Ones) Playgroup! This parent-organized drop-in group meets Wednesday  mornings from 9:00 to 11:00am in the Church Social Hall. Come out and meet new families – bring your coffee and snacks and let the kids run and play. To be added to the POLO Email Notification List (for notification of any schedule changes or cancellations) please contactChrissy Cassa at

Grade 1 Christmas Pageant This Sunday, December 22 at the 9:00am Family Mass

The Religious Education 1st Grade classes will be in costume as they present the Christmas Gospel this Sunday, December 22 at the 9am Family Mass.

The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year.  Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

2013 Christmas Mass Schedule

30-Nativity_Window_CloseupChristmas Eve
4:00pm (Upper and Lower Church)
5:30pm (Family Mass)
10:00pm (9:30 Choir Program)
Christmas Day

(No 5:00pm Mass on Christmas Day)

Family Mass Collection Volunteers Needed

Family Mass_AltarWe are looking for a few adults who usually attend the Family Mass to help oversee the collection during this Mass. It is a very easy volunteer position (as well as very important!) that involves making sure there are enough age appropriate children volunteers, guiding the children to the right pews, and collecting the money back from the children. You do not need to be at the Mass each week – we just need to have enough adults “on the lookout” during collection time to make sure there are enough adults overseeing the process. If you are interested in helping out please email Chrissy Cassa or come on back during collection time – and feel free to bring your child/ren with you!!

Parish Family Picnic – Sunday, September 22

pancakesPlease join us this Sunday for the St. John Parish Family Picnic Brunch following our Sunday morning Masses. We will have pancakes along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Note: There are still spaces for Confirmation Candidates who would like Community Service hours.  Go to our Volunteer Sign Up Page and select the shifts you would like to serve.  If you require slightly different hours but would still like to help, please email Susan Calcio.  Thank you to all the parishioners who have offered to lend a hand – we can put you to work as needed when you drop by to enjoy the day!

Parents of Little Ones Playgroup (P.O.L.O) Starting September 25th!

POLO_LogoAre you looking to meet other parents from St. John’s or make a friend for your little one? Then come by the Church Social Hall on Wednesdays from 9:00am to 11:00am for the new Parents Of Little Ones playgroup. A group organized by parents where they can stop by anytime to meet and socialize with other parents and children. Bring your coffee, snacks and toys.  No need to RSVP – just drop in between 9:00 am – 11:00am on Wednesday mornings – the door will be open! (Be sure to use the stroller friendly Ledyard Street entrance.) If you have questions or would like to be put on the email list please contact Chrissy Cassa at