Category Archives: SJSP Collaborative Programs and Events

An Invitation To Envision and Plan a Creative Path to Understanding and Living Our Catholic Faith

FaithLifePlease Join Us
Tuesday, June 13
7:00 – 9:15pm
St. Paul Parish Hall

The St. John-St. Paul collaborative faith community has a unique opportunity to develop programs to inspire and attract those among us who hunger for more understanding and sharing of our Catholic faith. Drawing on the ideas and talents of both parishes, we desire to offer adult faith enrichment in ways greater than our parishes can accomplish individually.

You are invited to join the conversation, to lend your thoughts on the development of an innovative adult faith enrichment program that will attract and inspire diverse segments of our community.

Carol Yamartino, a professional executive meeting facilitator, will guide both general and small group discussions. This is your opportunity to help shape future St. John-St. Paul programs designed to further our understanding of our Catholic faith, and what it means to live that faith.

In order to plan for the evening, please let us know that you will be joining us by clicking this link:  RSVP

St. Paul Parish Hall is located behind St. Paul Church, at 502 Washington St. Parking is available on Washington St. and in the parking lot behind the church (entrance at 10 Atwood St.)

Religious Ed Grade 6 “Summer Blast” Program: June 21 – 23

Summer_Blast_Grade_6The Religious Education programs of the St. John – St. Paul Collaborative are excited to announce that last year’s  “Summer Blast” program for our incoming sixth graders was extremely successful and we will be permanently offering it through our Religious Education registration process – as you may have seen as you registered your rising 6th grader. The program is offered as an alternative to help our families manage their busy schedules.  Successful completion of “Summer Blast” will fulfill religious education requirements for the upcoming school year.

Now that the Wellesley School Committee has confirmed the last day of school (Tuesday, June 20) we have scheduled our Grade 6 Summer Blast from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 21, 22 and 23 at St. Paul School.

The curriculum will involve a variety of faith-based lessons taught in a fun, interactive environment and will include:

• Video Lessons on Morals and Values with interactive discussion
• Lessons surrounding the Jewish Ancestors in Faith – Moses & the Exodus
• Prayer
• Arts & Crafts
• Snack

Linda Messore,  Religious Ed Coordinator    
St. John the Evangelist Parish

Kathy Curley, Director of Religious Ed
St. Paul Parish

Celebrating 100 Years of Our Lady of Fatima – Monday, May 8 at St. Paul Church

Fatima_smallSt. Paul Church will host this special statue of Our Lady of Fatima, an image of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima as she appeared to Sr. Lúcia in Tuy, Spain. It was blessed by Pope Francis on October 23, 2013 at the conclusion of the Wednesday audience ten days after his consecration of the world to Our Lady of Fatima. Events during the day will be:

3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy
4:00pm Rosary
5:00pm Talk on Fatima
6:00pm Adoration and Benediction
7:00pm Mass
9:00pm Closing Prayer

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine_Mercy_JesusJoin us for an hour of prayer and reflection
Sunday April 23, 3:00pm
St. Paul Church

The message of The Divine Mercy is simple.  It is that God loves us – all of us, and he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others.

Tuesday, April 4 at St. John – Evening for Women

cross_impressionistWho do you say I am? (Matthew 16:13-20)

As we prepare for Holy Week, there is no better time to consider Jesus in Scripture, and our relationship with Him in our heads, hearts and lived faith. Guiding us for this reflection will be Barbara Pyles: RN, MA Boston College School of Theology & Ministry, and St. John parishioner.

We will gather in St. John’s Powers Hall at 6:30pm, and begin the meditation program at 6:45 in the chapel. All are welcome to pray, and to take part in a wonderful opportunity to share faith and potluck. Please bring a favorite Spring dish.  All women from our Collaborative are invited. We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, March 27 at St. John: Lenten Lecture Series with Donna Maria Ticchi

Christ_Carrying_the_CrossArt as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Monday, March 27 at 7:30pm
St. John Powers Hall

Christ Carrying the Cross, painted by the Circle of Giovanni Bellini in the early years of the High Renaissance, was Isabella Stewart Gardner’s favorite painting. We’ll discuss the background of this painting and the stories it tells us.  We’ll look at why the placement of this painting at her Museum was so important to Mrs. Gardner and what that reveals about faith and memory.   Lastly, we’ll consider how Mrs. Gardner’s relationship with this painting demonstrates how the affective nature of art helps us to be more fully human.  We’ll see how art – as a meditative tool – opens our hearts to God.

CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK TO LISTEN TO A PODCAST OF THIS LECTURE: Lenten Lectures 2017: “Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum” with Donna Maria Ticchi (3/27/17)

Monday, March 20 at St. Paul Church: Lenten Lecture Series with Fr. Arthur MacKay

Fr. MacKay “Breathing Underwater – The Art of Snorkeling”
Monday, March 20, 7:30pm at St. Paul Church

Fr. Arthur MacKay’s lecture continues our theme of “Up From Water.”  The ancients believed water to be life giving and life taking. The divers of antiquity defied the death of going into the water for something more valuable. John the Baptist gives us a preview of facing our own death to sin to be open to a new life with the one who is mightier. The discussion will ponder snorkeling in the water of Baptism, the Ten Commandments and the Book by Fr. Richard Rohr, “Breathing Under Water” to find meaning in our Lenten spiritual journey.

Our Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series “Up From the Water” Continues

The Baptism of the Christ #2_cropped Monday, March 20 at 7:30pm at St. Paul Church: FR. ARTHUR MACKAY
“Breathing Underwater – The Art of Snorkeling”
Monday, March 27 at 7:30pm at St. John Powers Hall: DONNA MARIA TICCHI
“Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum”
Monday, April 3 at 7:30pm at St. John Powers Hall: MICHAEL MERAW
“How Music Leads Us through Lent to the Joy of Easter”
Monday, April 10 at 7:30pm at St. Paul Church: FR. JIM LAUGHLIN
“When All Seemed Lost: Waiting for the Third Day”

(The audio will be available online a few days after each lecture, so please visit our Podcasts  page to listen – or listen again!)

Monday, March 6: Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series with
Fr. J. Bryan Hehir

Fr_Hehir_LectureReconciliation: Confession (sacred) and Civil Society (secular)
Monday, March 6, 7:30pm at St. John Church

In 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, St. Paul tells us, “All this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”  The ministry of reconciliation is central to the ministry of the Church as a whole. This Lenten Lecture will explore two distinct – indeed, quite different on the surface – expressions of the ministry of reconciliation today. The first, reconciliation within the Church, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and what this could mean during Lent. The second, reconciliation within the wider civil society, at a time when our social fabric as a nation seems tested and threatened.

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner – Friday, March 17 at 6:00pm
at St. Paul

shamrock bannerPlease join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner to celebrate Boston’s patron saint!
Friday, March 17 from 6:00-9:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall

Adult Dinner Choices: Corned Beef & Cabbage with carrots, potatoes, Irish bread -OR- Salmon & Rice
Children’s Meal: Macaroni & Cheese  *  Beer, Wine, Water, Coffee and Dessert  * Babysitting available in Lower Parish Hall

Please try to purchase your tickets in advance to help with headcount. $15 per adult; $5 children’s meal. Tickets available at St. Paul Church Rectory and after all Masses at St. Paul’s during weekends of 2/25-26; 3/4-5; and 3/11-12. For more information, to make a monetary donation, and/or to help organize and decorate, please email