Category Archives: Special Events

Welcome Weekend September 21-22


During Welcome Weekend we lift high the banner of WELCOME to one and all as we celebrate the life of this community and the countless ways this life continues to grow and deepen in faith and love and service. Each September is always a new beginning!
Come, join us to make this year the best! 

Appreciation Weekend May 18-19

All Masses will be in Thanksgiving for you who make our parish all that it is and continues to become!
Thank You All!

Please join us Sunday morning for refreshments after the 7:30am, 9:00am, and 11:00am Masses.

AFFC Movie Night/Potluck Supper This Saturday, April 20 after 5pm Mass

A Man for All SeasonsWe invite all parishioners to a showing of the movie “A Man for All Seasons”. One of the finest films of all times, winner of 6 Oscars. The film is a powerful depiction of the conflict between Henry VIII (Robert Shaw) and Sir Thomas More (Paul Scofield) leading to a major rift between church and state. Please join us for a special evening together. SPECIAL REQUEST: Bring your
casserole or salad to the Social Hall before Mass. Dessert/drinks provided.

Lenten Lecture with Fr. Bryan Hehir – Monday, March 25 at 7:30pm in the Church

Fr. Bryan HehirPlease join us on Monday, March 25 at 7:30pm in the Church for a  Lenten Lecture with Fr. Bryan Hehir:
Church and State: Here and Abroad
(Note Change of Date)

Lenten Lectures with Fr. Bryan Hehir: March 4 and 25

Fr. Bryan HehirPlease join us at 7:30pm in the Church for this year’s Lenten Lectures with Fr. Bryan Hehir:
Monday, March 4: The State of the Church
Monday, March 25: Church and State: Here and Abroad (note change of date)

Lectio Divina – Begins this Sunday, February 24 at 3:30pm in the Parish Center

lectio_divina Words, Words, Words. Words have power. In the midst of the relentless bombardment of meaningless sound bites some really hit home. They hit us in our deepest core.  They resonate with a deeper interior truth. Allowing the words of sacred Scripture to touch us this way at the center of our being is an ancient prayer method called Lectio Divina, literally “holy or sacred reading.” It’s simple and flexible for anybody with an over-stimulated mind seeking to stir the embers of faith and love of a relationship with God. It begins with a short passage—a verse or two of Scripture (lectio) until a word or phrase jumps out at you. Next, ask – What does this mean to me? What is God trying to tell me? (meditatio). This leads into a time of prayer—a conversation with God (oratio). Finally, you take a moment to silently rest in the presence of God (contemplatio). Sound interesting? Want to learn more? Lent is the perfect season to try it out. Sr. Evelyn Ronan and Deacon Tom Shuler invite you to re-ignite the embers of faith” this Lent with a four-session program, “Holy Reading.” Join them each Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel beginning February 24th. You’re welcome to come to one or all sessions, and there’s no need to register for anything.
Sundays, beginning February 24, from 3:30-4:30pm in the Parish Center Chapel Room.

2013 Catholic Men’s Conference – Saturday, March 16, 2013

Worcester Catholic Men's ConferenceThe St. Paul Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group is  planning to car-pool to the Catholic Men’s Conference to be held at the DCU Center in Worcester on Saturday, March 16, 2013. Scheduled for this all-day conference are dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Fr. James Martin, SJ; NHL & Olympic Referee Kerry Fraser; Fr. Sammie L. Maletta; and Joe McClane, “The Catholic Hack.” Bishop McManus will offer the conference Mass. Bishops, diocesan and religious priests are available for confession. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508-929-4345 or visit the website, for information and ticket purchase. Tickets are $45 per person ($60 after March 3rd). We cordially invite the men of St. John the Evangelist Parish as well as their sons, brothers, fathers and friends to join the St. Paul Men’s Group in this annual event. For Wellesley car-pool information call Tory DeFazio 781-237-6738 or Joe Cavanaugh at 781-237-0759.

Beginning Wednesday, February 27: A Profound Call/A Unique Response… Quiet Meditation on Scripture and Prayer

yoga“…but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.” (1 Kings 19:13)

How do we hear that still small voice? We offer three opportunities to be still and listen – with an hour of very gentle yoga stretching along with quiet meditation on Scripture passages and prayer. Three sessions (attend all or one) facilitated by Anne Wachtmeister and Svea Fraser. Wednesdays, February 27 and March 6 from 7:30-8:30pm and Sunday, March 10 from 2:00-3:00pm. In the Parish Center Chapel Room.  NO experience necessary: only comfortable clothing and an openness to finding ways to quiet our souls. (No floor mats required and no floor exercises will be done.)

AFFC Speaker: Father Robert Imbelli on The Christ-Centered Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar – Tuesday, February 26 at 7:00pm

balthasarHans Urs von Balthasar was one of the giants of 20th century Catholic Theology. His massive production of books and articles fills a whole bookcase, and the architectural mass of his work resembles a great cathedral. But its basic lines are clear and straightforward. Fr. Imbelli’s presentation will seek to illuminate the basic patterns and perspectives of von Balthasar’s thought, mindful that for von Balthasar, theology is at the service of Christian living. He speaks of his theology as a “praying theology:” one that derives from prayer and leads to prayer. Fr. Imbelli, a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, teaches theology at Boston College. He recently edited the Boston College Church in the 21st Century publication The Catholic Intellectual Tradition.  St. John the Evangelist Parish, Social Hall, 7:00pm

Movie Night and Potluck Supper – Saturday, March 2 after 5PM Mass

of-gods-and-men-posterWe invite all parishioners to a showing of the movie “Of Gods and Men,” a deeply moving and profoundly beautiful film about a group of monks working in the mountains of Algeria who are faced with the most difficult decision of their lives when the country erupts in civil war.  Loosely based on actual events that took place between 1993 and 1996. Please join us for a special evening together. SPECIAL REQUEST: Please bring your casserole or salad to Social Hall before Mass. Dessert and beverages provided.