Category Archives: Saint John School

Saint John School Principal

St John School_NewAfter five years as Principal and many years as a teacher, Ms. Kathi Aldridge has moved on from St. John School.  With more than 20 years at St. John School, Kathi built several reputations during her long tenure.  As a faculty member, she was utterly devoted to her students, providing a life foundation for class-after-class of students and introducing all of them to the magic and joy of learning. Her contributions helped to build the brand and reputation of St. John’s as a school devoted to exploration, learning, and Catholic-based values.  As Principal, Kathi guided our efforts over the past five years to improve our technology education, and most recently, led our efforts to introduce a foreign language offering into our curriculum.  We offer our prayers and good wishes to her.   The new Principal is Mr. Robert Arsenault and he comes to us after many years as Principal of elementary schools in Wilmington and Winchester. We are privileged to have a person with such extensive experience, coupled with an abundance of personal gifts as the leader of St. John School. We extend to him our warmest welcome, and we are sure that he will experience the genuine hospitality that is characteristic of St. John School.

Crowning of Mary – Wednesday, May 15 at 9:00am

may crowning 2Everyone is welcome 
to join us in the Church for this beautiful prayer service with the children of
Saint John School!

Saint John School Open House – Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 8:00am to 9:30am

Pre-School through Grade 6: We invite you to visit Saint John School on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 from 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. to tour the school, meet teachers, visit classrooms, and speak to our Principal and parents. Come and see how Saint John School sets a standard of excellence for academic achievement and life long impact. Saint John School is a wonderful academic choice for a bright future. Our school is a place where a spirit of faith is celebrated in a community of shared values. Saint John School is located next to Saint John the Evangelist Church at 9 Ledyard, Wellesley Hills, MA. For more information please visit us on the web at or contact Principal Kathi Aldridge at 781-235-0300.

After Christmas Tree Pickup from Trees & Trimmings

Enjoy a restful Christmas, and with a $25 donation let us pick up your tree after the holidays and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF on Jan. 5th! Please note, you must be a Wellesley resident.  Find all the details here.

Thank You from Trees and Trimmings!

We hope you enjoyed our annual holiday market filled with everything you need for Christmas: freshly cut trees from Wilson Farms, custom decorated wreaths, boxwoods and roping, and delicious homemade baked goods. We appreciate your patronage and the hard work put into this event by our school parents and parishioners.  Merry Christmas! – Marie Carroll, Kati Bannish & Bill McNamara

Tree Pickup Service: Enjoy a restful Christmas, and with a $25 donation let us pick up your tree after the holidays and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF on Jan. 5th! Please note, you must be a Wellesley resident.  Find all the details here.

Trees and Trimmings
Saturday, December 8 – One Day Only!

Our annual holiday market Trees and Trimmings is on December 8th – SATURDAY ONLY!  Please plan your weekend so  we will see you on Saturday, then you will have Sunday to deck your hall with your fabulous tree, wreaths, roping and greens.  Red and White Poinsettias will be available at Trees & Trimmings this year. They are as lovely as ever, and no pre-orders needed.

“Rose Mallows”   a signed, framed print by former Saint John parishioner E. Joseph Fontaine, will be our showcase raffle item this year. Tickets will be available after select masses later this month and at Trees & Trimmings until 4pm.  Please contact Christina McCormick at with any questions.

Kid’s Corner will once again offer a boutique filled with Christmas gifts for parents, siblings, and grandparents. These items will be priced so that kids can afford to buy them. Our annual Toy Raffle is also a big highlight for the children. This year we are featuring an iPod Touch, a Wii U, a gift certificate to Little Bits, an American Girl Doll, and other exciting items. There will also be craft projects, and don’t forget about SANTA!

Tree Pickup Service: Enjoy a restful Christmas, and with a $25 donation let us pick up your tree after the holidays and deliver it to the Wellesley RDF on Jan. 5th for you! Please note, you must be a Wellesley resident. Find all the details here.

Questions about Trees & Trimmings or for volunteer opportunities, please contact Marie Carroll at or Kati Bannish at


Trees & Trimmings Bakeshop – Bakers Needed!

Please help us stock Santa’s Bakeshop at Trees & Trimmings on Saturday, December 8th!  It is so easy and we truly appreciate your donations! Just make a batch of your family’s favorite Christmas treats – cookies, bars, brownies, cupcakes, fudge, decorated Christmas cut-out cookies, breads, pies – and drop them off in Philbin Hall on Friday, December 7th between 7:30am and 3pm.  The Bakeshop Elves will do the rest!  Click the flyer for details –

Trees & Trimmings Saturday, December 8th – One Day Only!

Our annual holiday market Trees and Trimmings is on December 8th – SATURDAY ONLY!  Please plan your weekend so  we will see you on Saturday, then you will have Sunday to deck your hall with your fabulous tree, wreaths, roping and greens.

Our fresh and beautiful Advent Wreaths will be available for purchase on the first Sunday of Advent, December 2nd after the 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm Masses, as well as after the 5pm Mass on Saturday, December 1st.  No pre-order necessary!

Trees & Trimmings loves and needs donations of homemade baked goods for Santa’s Bakeshop. Bake your favorite goodie or classic family recipe — we can use cookies, brownies, bars, decorated Christmas cut-out cookies, breads, cakes, and pies! Please drop off all baked goods at Philbin Hall on Friday, December 7th, or contact Amy Kane at or Mariela Baker at if you wish to make a contribution of your favorite holiday goodie.  Thank you!

Red and White Poinsettias will be available at Trees & Trimmings this year. They are as lovely as ever, and no pre-orders needed.

“Rose Mallows”   a signed, framed print by former Saint John parishioner E. Joseph Fontaine, will be our showcase raffle item this year. Tickets will be available after select masses later this month and at Trees & Trimmings until 4pm.  Please contact Christina McCormick at with any questions.

Questions about Trees & Trimmings or for volunteer opportunities, please contact Marie Carroll at or Kati Bannish at

Trees & Trimmings December 8 – Save the Date!

Trees & Trimmings, our annual holiday market, will be on December 8th –  SATURDAY ONLY!  Please plan your weekend so we will see you on Saturday, then you will have Sunday to deck your hall with your fabulous tree, wreaths, roping and greens. Our fresh and beautiful Advent Wreaths will be available for purchase on December 2nd – the first Sunday of Advent  –  after the 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm Masses, as well as after the 5pm Mass on Saturday, December 1st.  No pre-order necessary!  Red and White Poinsettias will be available at Trees & Trimmings this year – they are as lovely as ever, and no pre-orders needed.

Saint John School Open House – October 2, 2012

We invite you to visit Saint John School on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 from 8:00-9:30 a.m. or from 6:30-8:00 p.m. to tour the school, meet teachers, visit classrooms, and speak to our Principal and parents. Come and see how Saint John School sets a standard of excellence for academic achievement and life long impact. Saint John School is a wonderful academic choice for a bright future. Our school is a place where a spirit of faith is celebrated in a community of shared values.  Saint John School is located next to Saint John the Evangelist Church at 9 Ledyard St., Wellesley Hills, MA.  Pre-School through Grade 6.  For more information please visit us on the web at or contact Principal Kathi Aldridge at 781-235-0300.