March 20, 2012: Important Pastoral Planning Meetings and Online Survey – Your Input is Needed

Saturday 3/24 & Sunday 3/25 after every Mass
Monday 3/26 at 7:30pm

Now is your opportunity to provide much-needed input regarding the proposed Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan for our parishes, which focuses on “Strengthening our Parishes as Primary Communities of Faith”. The proposal creates a new structure called a Pastoral Service Team (PST) comprised of both laity and clergy who will provide pastoral services to multiple parishes, which partner with one another to exercise the mission of evangelization. This plan hopes to provide pastoral services to parishes without altering the parishes themselves. It is hoped that PST’s will enable each parish to determine how best to use their resources through a culture of partnering and collaboration. Each grouping will be known as a Pastoral Collaborative.  We have been paired with St. Paul’s Parish, based on four general principles and specific criteria (please click here for more information.)

Members of the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance Committee and the Pastoral Planning Group will be available after every Mass on March 24 and 25, as well as on Monday, March 26 at 7:30pm, in the Social Hall (downstairs in the Church) to give everyone an opportunity to review the proposed draft, to ask questions, and to offer comments. All parishioners are encouraged to make time to participate in one of these six meetings. To help you prepare, and to maximize our time together, we have a prepared a brief survey with important questions for your consideration and input.

You can view these important questions and complete the survey online using this link: Pastoral Planning Survey

A summary of your input will be given to the Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning Commission (APPC) by May 1, 2012. After all the parishes in the archdiocese have responded, the APPC will prepare a final recommendation for the Cardinal.

For more detailed information on the proposed Pastoral Collaborative and Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning, please visit our parish website as well as the Archdiocese of Boston Pastoral Planning website.

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