From the Service Commission: 2013 Lenten Gift Update and Thank You

Final1_CroppedThank you so much for your support of this year’s Parish Lenten Gift: Rebuilding in Faith – Supporting St. Margaret Mary Parish, Staten Island, NY.  The final collection totaled $26,672 and resulted from big and small donations from so many parishioners as well as various Religious Education classes. The check was personally delivered by a Service Commission member who met the parish staff of St. Margaret Mary, visited the church and toured the Midlands Beach area of Staten Island. The St. Margaret Mary Disaster Relief Fund has chosen to help the family of four featured in one of our Lenten bulletin messages (please see thank you note below). Thank you for being a true witness to Christ’s love by giving of yourself to people you don’t even know, because you have chosen to “love one another as I have loved you” John 13:34.

Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks with compassion on this world.
St. Theresa of Avila

***A letter from Bob Dennis, St. Margaret Mary Parish Manager***

My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Faith,

It is difficult to put into words the feelings we have that would adequately express our overwhelming sense of gratitude for the people of St John the Evangelist. Through the generosity of your parish you will make a substantial difference in the life of Carl (a NYC Policeman), his wife Marilyn, a daughter Alivia (who has Crohn’s Disease) and his son Carl Jr., parishioners of St. Margaret Mary. The 2 bedroom bungalow they shared was so damaged that everything, except a new bathroom they put in a year ago, has to be replaced – all interior walls, floors, ceilings furniture and personal belongings have been either lost or damaged. The piles of rubble outside his home remain as testament to the damage caused by Sandy.

Carl helped his neighbors and strangers to escape the quickly rising water, at the cost of his own personal property. Jim Miller from your parish was gracious enough to come to Staten Island and see Carl’s house and hear his story, again thank you for taking the time to do that. It was my great pleasure to show you around.

You will always be in our prayers,

Bob Dennis, Parish Manager

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