Collaborative FAQ 4: When will our Parish Collaborative start?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 4: We’re hearing a lot about Parish Collaboratives lately. Will our parish be in a Parish Collaborative? When will our Parish Collaborative start?

Yes, our parish will definitely be in a Parish Collaborative. We know that St. John’s and St. Paul’s will be grouped together in the Collaborative, but we don’t know specifically when the Collaborative will begin. Parishes around the area will start their Collaboratives in phases over a five year period. Twenty-eight parishes in the archdiocese formed twelve Collaboratives in Phase I, which began earlier this year. St. John’s and St. Paul’s will be in a later phase. We don’t have an exact date yet, but we will keep you informed as details become available.  When we form our Collaborative, each parish will maintain its own identity – its own name, its buildings, its canonical rights, its own bank accounts, its own books, its own financial assets, and its own financial obligations. Common costs of the Collaborative (such as staffing and shared programs) will be shared between St. John’s and St. Paul’s.

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