October 20: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC LogoCONVERSATIONS IN PRAYER: Prayer is always God’s initiative. It is our response to God’s presence in our lives. Various forms of meditative and contemplative prayer can help us be more open and present to God.  Missed the first session of Meaningful Conversations about Prayer? Please join us this week, Oct 21st for Session 3 in the Parish Hall Chapel from 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

AFFC BLOG: For the month of October, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing Mary, the Mother of God. Please visit our website to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information, such as St. John’s on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

BOOK GROUP: Upcoming Book Selections
November 14: New Seeds of Contemplation, Thomas Merton
December 5: Faith in Poetry, TS Eliot – The Journey of the Magi and more
January 16: Tenth of December, Donald Saunders
February 13: Paul Among the People, Sarah Ruden
March 13: Pope Francis I, Selected Articles
April 10: Trent: What Happened at the Council?, John W. O’Malley
May 8: Life of the Virgin: Maximus the Confessor, Stephen J. Shoemaker

OCTOBER, THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY: The Rosary has been loved for generations as a scripture – based prayer honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. During October we encourage you to experience this beautiful devotion. To assist you there are some rosaries and pamphlets at our Church entrance. Also, every Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. you are welcome to pray the rosary with parishioners in the lower Chapel.

AFFC Calendar:

Mondays, October 21 & 28 Conversations in Prayer
7:00–8:30 p.m., Parish Center

Wednesday, October 30 John Allen Lecture at B.C.
The Francis Papacy: Reform, Renewal and Resistance,
6:00 p.m., Robsham Theater, BC

Saturday, November 9 Film/Supper Night
Following the 5:00 p.m. Mass, Social Hall

Tuesday, November 12, Liam Bergin Lecture
7:00 p.m., Social Hall

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