February 2: News and Events from Adult Faith Formation

Ordinary TimeFAITH MATTERS: Have you ever wondered about ORDINARY TIME? What is Ordinary Time? Why is it different from Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter? What do we celebrate during this time? What is ordinariness and is this a good thing? For the month of February, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing The Specialness of “Ordinary Time”. Please visit our blog page to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information. Choose the “like” option on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!

heart-of-godTuesday, February 4 – Evening for Women
6:30pm, Chapel/Social Hall
This year’s theme – Becoming a Space for God… A Journey Into the Heart of Life – invites us to travel down new avenues of seeing and hearing to experience the grace in everyday life. Through reflection, prayer, sharing, with a fabulous potluck, we’ll travel this road together every first Tuesday evening. Join us at 6:30pm in the Social Hall – bring a favorite winter recipe! All are Welcome!  Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

Jesus Prayer-sinai-christ-pantokratorThursday, February 26 – Lecture: The Jesus Prayer 
7:00pm, Social Hall
Jeff Bloechel, Associate Professor at Boston College
From Prof. Bloechel: “The ‘Jesus Prayer’ is distinguished by its simplicity (in Greek it is only five words long) and by its age (explicit references date to the 5th century). It is generally understood as a prayer by which the mind is taken into the heart, where God’s love touches us most deeply. In modern times, the Prayer was revived in Russia and brought to Mt. Athos, where it has become the center of an entire spirituality for many Greek Orthodox monks. My own encounter with the Prayer was shaped by three visits to Mt. Athos, and so I will include some discussion of the Holy Mountain in my thoughts on the Prayer.”

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