Wednesday, February 26 at 7pm: AFFC Lecture with Prof. Jeff Bloechel – “The Jesus Prayer”

Jesus Prayer-sinai-christ-pantokratorPlease join us in the Social Hall on Wednesday, February 26 at 7pm for a lecture on The Jesus Prayer with Jeff Bloechel, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Boston College.  From Prof. Bloechel: “The ‘Jesus Prayer’ is distinguished by its simplicity (in Greek it is only five words long) and by its age (explicit references date to the 5th century). It is generally understood as a prayer by which the mind is taken into the heart, where God’s love touches us most deeply. In modern times, the Prayer was revived in Russia and brought to Mt. Athos, where it has become the center of an entire spirituality for many Greek Orthodox monks. My own encounter with the Prayer was shaped by three visits to Mt. Athos, and so I will include some discussion of the Holy Mountain in my thoughts on the Prayer.”

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