Where Are You Going? RCIA Program Begins Sunday, October 26

RCIAHave your travels taken you near and far?
Is there a deep longing within you for something more?
Catholicism is a way of life and becoming a Catholic is a life long journey in faith.

  • If you are not Catholic and interested in learning more about the Catholic faith…
  • If you are Catholic but never received all the sacraments of initiation (baptism, communion, confirmation)…
  • If you have been away from the church but have returned and want to know more…
  • If you are Catholic and want to share the journey…

…then this invitation to the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for you.  The RCIA is primarily a journey of faith. It is a process, rooted in history, which educates in the Catholic faith and, if so desired, prepares adults to receive the sacraments of the Church, usually at Easter. More than that, it involves entering into a relationship with the risen Christ and a community of God’s people. It begins, in the words of an anonymous believer, with an “awareness of the stirring of faith and curiosity within one’s heart, to a life of faith, love, and justice lived in communion with Catholics throughout the world.” It begins here at St. John’s on Sunday, October 26 at 10:00am in the Rectory (next to the church). It begins with your questions and the freedom to discern your decision to follow this path. For more information, please contact Svea Fraser at (781) 237-7560 or sveafraser@comcast.net

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