A Message from Fr. Kevin Sepe on the SJSP Collaborative

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallDisciples in Mission
In the midst of summer, I thought it would be helpful to review with you some of the key characteristics of a Collaborative. Then in September, when vacationers have returned, we will be ready to take some further steps together.


  • Separate parishes coming together, under a common Collaborative Pastoral Plan focused on the New Evangelization.
  • Each Parish retaining its identity and integrity including: its name, its real estate (church, rectory, etc.), control over its budget and assets as well as responsibility for its financial obligations.
  • Parishes within a Collaborative, being served by a common central staff, i.e. their Pastor and Pastoral Team.
  • The Pastor being advised by a single Parish (Pastoral) Council. Each parish will have representation on this council. Parish specific issues may be dealt with through sub-committees.
  • Each Parish will maintain its own Finance Council. Finance Councils will normally meet at the same time and place, to work with each other and advise the Pastor.
  • Each Parish being expected to contribute to their portion (fair share) of Collaborative costs (such as salaries, priest living expenses, shared programs, etc.)
  • All Collaboratives will be held to the same expectations of forming a Pastoral Team, participating in training on new Evangelization, Leadership and Administration, and developing a Collaborative Pastoral Plan.

The Collaborative does not replace the parish. Each parish remains characterized by:

  • A Community of Catholics who come together to celebrate Mass at a particular Church
  • An independent identity (e.g. its own name)
  • Responsibility of its own financial assets and liabilities
  • One Pastor to lead it
  • Staff that supports the ministerial efforts of the Pastor
  • A Pastoral Council and Finance Council that advise the Pastor

It is worth remembering that this effort of forming Collaboratives is a means of fostering common pastoral action and a common vision. While the common Collaborative Pastoral Plan provides the unifying vision, all are expected to support unity and identity of each parish, and encourage the parish communities to work together for the common good and the mission of the new evangelization. The plan is by that working together, parishes will become stronger.

More information on ‘Disciples in Mission’ can be found on the Archdiocese of Boston website: www.disciplesinmission.com

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