A Letter from Sr. Evelyn

Sr_EvelynDear Parishioners,

Some 22 years ago, when I was ‘young’ I arrived at this wonderful Parish to serve as your Pastoral Associate. There followed years of learning, growing, helping each other to discern what God wanted us to be and to do.

When Fr. Tom retired last year, I knew it was important for me to remain here, as a way to provide some supportive continuity at this time of transition and change.

In January, I met with Fr. Sepe to share my thoughts, that during these past months, I have come to an increasing knowledge of what I had begun to experience in recent years. And that is my diminishing stamina to minister in the overall way needed for the role of Pastoral Associate. I thought at first, I could just change to part-time and do one or two pieces of our Parish mission.

But in all honesty, I accept the fact that would not work! I have never been able to find my ‘cut-down’ switch. So, I realized I must move on to enable another person to come aboard and embrace this blessed ministry of Pastoral Associate in its fullness.

I will be here until early June. As for my next step, you will be glad to know that I have accepted an invitation from Emmanuel College to become part of their Campus Ministry Program. I am really delighted at this opportunity.

In early September, I will mark 60 years in religious life as a Sister of Notre Dame. The mystery and miracle of all these years are woven into the 22 years with you, in this Parish that I love so much.

Without question, day by day, over these years, God has kept me aware of how fortunate I have been to be here with you: praying, learning, responding to the world about us. For this blessing and for all you have taught me by your welcome, your goodness and your love, I am so grateful.
I know the inadequacy of this letter, but it sends to you, my profound gratitude and love.

Sr. Evelyn

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