May 20-21: Support our Christian Brothers and Sisters in the Holy Land

Olive_Wood_2Next weekend, May 20-21,  we welcome Maysoon Khair from Star of Bethlehem Handicrafts to St. John Parish.  Maysoon will be selling  carved Olive Wood handicrafts at the back of the church after all Masses. Olive_Wood_3These handicrafts are made by small family businesses and the older students of the School of Joywhich is a school for children with learning difficulties located just outside Bethlehem.
Sales of the handicrafts directly benefit Christian families living in very difficult circumstances as well as the important work of the school: Olive_Wood_1

“By buying from these articles you are not just supporting the school and the children, but you are also creating in them a sense of self-respect and confidence in their abilities.”


Thank You to Fr. MacKay and Welcome to Fr. Blaney

Fr. MacKayIt is with a mix of sadness and gratitude that we announce that our parochial vicar, Fr. Arthur MacKay, will be leaving us to take a new assignment beginning on June 1.  Cardinal Sean has asked Fr. Arthur to begin a new assignment as a hospital chaplain serving Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington and MetroWest Medical Center in Framingham.  With his gentle pastoral presence, deep faith and extensive medical background, Fr. Arthur will bring unique gifts to his new ministry.  For the past five years, Fr. Arthur has served the parishes of our collaborative with dedication, sensitivity and pastoral zeal.  We will miss him very much.  Our prayers and love go with him as he begins this new chapter in his priestly ministry.  A farewell event is being planned and will be announced soon.

Fr_Robert_BlaneyAlso on June 1, Fr. Robert Blaney will be beginning his ministry with us as the new parochial vicar for our collaborative.  Ordained in 2007, Fr. Blaney currently serves as parochial vicar of the Sacred Heart-Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative in Newton.  Fr. Blaney is a very talented priest who is much beloved in his current parishes.  We welcome him with open arms and trust that you will give him the same loving support and encouragement that you so generously give to all of the priests who serve you.

Religious Ed Grade 6 “Summer Blast” Program: June 21 – 23

Summer_Blast_Grade_6The Religious Education programs of the St. John – St. Paul Collaborative are excited to announce that last year’s  “Summer Blast” program for our incoming sixth graders was extremely successful and we will be permanently offering it through our Religious Education registration process – as you may have seen as you registered your rising 6th grader. The program is offered as an alternative to help our families manage their busy schedules.  Successful completion of “Summer Blast” will fulfill religious education requirements for the upcoming school year.

Now that the Wellesley School Committee has confirmed the last day of school (Tuesday, June 20) we have scheduled our Grade 6 Summer Blast from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, June 21, 22 and 23 at St. Paul School.

The curriculum will involve a variety of faith-based lessons taught in a fun, interactive environment and will include:

• Video Lessons on Morals and Values with interactive discussion
• Lessons surrounding the Jewish Ancestors in Faith – Moses & the Exodus
• Prayer
• Arts & Crafts
• Snack

Linda Messore,  Religious Ed Coordinator    
St. John the Evangelist Parish

Kathy Curley, Director of Religious Ed
St. Paul Parish

Book Discussion Group – Thursday, May 11 at 7:30pm at St. John

Remember_to_LiveOur book for May is Remember to Live – Embracing the Second Half of Life by Fr. Thomas Ryan, CSP.

Awareness and acceptance of our mortality as experienced in aging, illness, and the death of others can bring a clarity and richness to the limited, precious moments of life, and helps us foster a special care for relationships and priorities in the time we are given.

Called by the leadership of his community to open and develop the work of a Paulist North American Office for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, Fr. Ryan, CSP, moved to New York City in 2000 and worked for seven years establishing the work of the office prior to moving it to the new North American Paulist Center in Washington, DC, in 2007, where he continues to serve the Paulists and the church in that ministry today.

For information, please contact John Stewart, 617-969-0950, or

The Book Discussion Group meets the second Thursday of the month in the St. John Parish Center, 7:30 to 9:00pm. For information consult the St. John website or  contact John Stewart at 617 969 0950 or

AFFC LogoSt. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

Celebrating 100 Years of Our Lady of Fatima – Monday, May 8 at St. Paul Church

Fatima_smallSt. Paul Church will host this special statue of Our Lady of Fatima, an image of the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady of Fatima as she appeared to Sr. Lúcia in Tuy, Spain. It was blessed by Pope Francis on October 23, 2013 at the conclusion of the Wednesday audience ten days after his consecration of the world to Our Lady of Fatima. Events during the day will be:

3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy
4:00pm Rosary
5:00pm Talk on Fatima
6:00pm Adoration and Benediction
7:00pm Mass
9:00pm Closing Prayer

Religious Education


Sunday, April 30
Grades 7-8:  Last Class 6:00 – 7:00pm
Grades 9:  Last Class 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grade 10: Confirmation Practice 7:00 – 8:00pm (Philbin Hall)

Monday, May 1
Grade 10:  Sacrament of Confirmation  7:00pm

Registration for 2017-2018
Religious Education Registration for 2017-2018 is currently underway.  We have created a new online registration process that can be accessed by clicking HEREPlease note that the registration period runs through May 31 – any registrations received after that will incur the $25 per child late fee and placement into our Wednesday program will NOT be guaranteed.


Evening for Women – Tuesday, May 2, at 6:30pm at St. John

cross_impressionistWe invite you to join us this Tuesday evening for Pilgrims on a Journey:  The RCIA Story.

We are a Pilgrim Church and the RCIA is a process that is not only for those interested in becoming Roman Catholic, but is about a journey of all believers to our eternal home. Please join us for an evening of reflection, song, prayer and friendship, guided by Svea Fraser, to discover how each one of us is on a pilgrimage to God.

We will gather in Powers Hall at 6:30pm, and the program will begin at 6:45 in the chapel.  Please bring a favorite Spring recipe to share. All women of the collaborative are welcome!

Divine Mercy Sunday

Divine_Mercy_JesusJoin us for an hour of prayer and reflection
Sunday April 23, 3:00pm
St. Paul Church

The message of The Divine Mercy is simple.  It is that God loves us – all of us, and he wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others.

Religious Education – Important Upcoming Dates

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLSunday, April 23 
No Classes

Wednesday, April 26 – Friday, April 28
First Communion Practice – 3:30pm (as assigned*)

Saturday, April 29
First Holy Communion 9:00am & 11:30am

*Each student was assigned to specific practice dates and ceremonies which were communicated in an email earlier in the year.  It is important your child attends at the correct time.  Please contact Linda Messore if you are unsure what days to attend.

Sunday, April 30
Grades 7-8:  Last Class 6:00 – 7:00pm
Grades 9:  Last Class 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grade 10: Confirmation Practice 7:00 – 8:00pm (Philbin Hall)

Monday, May 1
Grade 10:  Sacrament of Confirmation  7:00pm

Registration for 2017-2018
Religious Education Registration for 2017-2018 is currently underway.  We have created a new online registration process that can be accessed by clicking HEREPlease note that the registration period runs through May 31 – any registrations received after that will incur the $25 per child late fee and placement into our Wednesday program will NOT be guaranteed.


Book Discussion Group – Thursday, April 20 at 7:30pm at St. John

1jewishannnewtestOur book for April is The Jewish Annotated New Testament, Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler, editors. This book has been described as a “ground-breaking text for scholarship, interfaith dialogue, and secular or religious readers.” The goal of the editors and the international team of scholars who contributed articles and commentary was to explain how Jewish practices and writings influenced New Testament writers. This is done through extensive notes and a series of thirty essays on a wide assortment of historical and religious topics. Our discussion will focus on the gospel according to St. John. It would be helpful for participants to be generally familiar with the organization and content of this gospel. There will be hand-outs with samples of the commentary from the book. For information, please contact John Stewart, 617-969-0950, or

The Book Discussion Group meets the second Thursday of the month in the St. John Parish Center, 7:30 to 9:00pm. For information consult the St. John website or  contact John Stewart at 617 969 0950 or

AFFC LogoSt. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission