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Fr. J. Bryan Hehir: “The Gospel of the Incarnation” (1/21/2020)
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Lenten Lectures 2017: “When All Seemed Lost: Waiting for the Third Day” with Fr. Jim Laughlin (4/10/17)
For Peter, it had all begun at the Sea of Galilee. Here Jesus had called him… and his life would never be the same. He had witnessed miracles, walked on water and had even seen Lazarus raised from the dead. And at the darkest hour, he denied even knowing the One he loved. He thought that all was lost when Jesus was crucified. But there, at the Sea of Galilee…they would meet again.

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Lenten Lectures 2017: “How Music Leads Us through Lent to the Joy of Easter” with Michael Meraw (4/3/17)
The Second Vatican Council in her Sacrosanctum Concillium said “The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. The main reason for this pre-eminence is that, as sacred song united to the words, it forms a necessary or integral part of the solemn liturgy.” Come and acquaint yourselves with some of the treasures that have help guide the faithful through Lent, and how this music can deepen your communion with our Lord and His Passion. Continue reading

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Lenten Lectures 2017: “Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum” with Donna Maria Ticchi (3/27/17)
Christ Carrying the Cross, painted by the Circle of Giovanni Bellini in the early years of the High Renaissance, was Isabella Stewart Gardner’s favorite painting. We’ll discuss the background of this painting and the stories it tells us. We’ll look at why the placement of this painting at her Museum was so important to Mrs. Gardner and what that reveals about faith and memory. Lastly, we’ll consider how Mrs. Gardner’s relationship with this painting demonstrates how the affective nature of art helps us to be more fully human. We’ll see how art – as a meditative tool – opens our hearts to God.
(Please start the audio by clicking the Play button below, then click HERE to view the slides as you listen to the presentation.)

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Lenten Lectures 2017: “Breathing Underwater – Spiritual Snorkeling” with Rev. Arthur MacKay (3/20/2017)
The ancients believed water to be life giving and life taking. The divers of antiquity defied the death of going into the water for something more valuable. John the Baptist gives us a preview of facing our own death to sin to be open to a new life with the one who is mightier. The discussion will ponder snorkeling in the water of Baptism, the Ten Commandments and the Book by Fr. Richard Rohr, “Breathing Under Water” to find meaning in our Lenten spiritual journey.
Due to technical difficulties, the first few minutes of Fr. MacKay’s lecture were not recorded. The text of the unrecorded section appears below; the audio begins after this passage. (To download a complete copy of the text, please click HERE.)
INTRODUCTION – Over 5,000 years ago, there were divers in Crete that used hollow straw reed snorkels to breathe underwater in order to look for valuable sponges. The divers would use the reeds to allow less splashing and a better view in the deep looking for something valuable. The ancients believed water to be life giving and life taking. The divers defied the death of going into the water for something more valuable. Continue reading

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Lenten Lectures 2017: “Reconciliation: Confession (sacred) and Civil Society (secular)” with Rev. J. Bryan Hehir (3/6/17)
In 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, St. Paul tells us, “All this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” The ministry of reconciliation is central to the ministry of the Church as a whole. This Lenten Lecture will explore two distinct – indeed, quite different on the surface – expressions of the ministry of reconciliation today. The first, reconciliation within the Church, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and what this could mean during Lent. The second, reconciliation within the wider civil society, at a time when our social fabric as a nation seems tested and threatened.

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Lenten Lecture 2015: “Faith Working Through Love” with Rev. John Connelly (3/2/2015)
INTRODUCTION – Pope Francis, our now not-so-new Pope, continues to mesmerize millions. It’s mind-blowing to think that six million people gathered together with Pope Francis at Manila Bay. As Francis himself would say – They came in great numbers because of the ardent faith of so many in the Philippines. To say the least about our not-so-new Holy Father, because of the “off the top of the head” style of airplane press conferences, I would describe Pope Francis as “predictably unpredictable” or “unpredictably predictable”. Many folks are very happy when the Pope travels from Rome to fields afar, for this will mean that there will be another airplane press conference in the offing, perhaps 30,000 feet over the waters of the Pacific.
Many of us here this evening, I’m sure, would admit that we are among those mesmerized by Jorge Bergoglio. Certainly, those here at the parish who are responsible for adult education planning in their search for a Lenten theme 2015 have made the suggestion that we revisit Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation – “The Joy of the Gospel”.
(The full text of Fr. Connelly’s lecture can be found on his blog Prayer and Intelligence)

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Lenten Lectures 2014: Week 5 – “The Christian of Tomorrow” with Rev. John Connelly and Rev. J. Bryan Hehir (4/7/2014)
For the fifth and final lecture in our series of Lenten Lectures on Pope Francis’ Exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel”, Fr. Connelly and Fr. Hehir will join together for The Christian of Tomorrow: Doctrinal Reflection, Ethical Reflection.

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Lenten Lectures 2014: Week 4 – “The Work of the Kingdom of God in the World” with Rev. J. Bryan Hehir (3/31/2014)
The fourth in our series of five Lenten Lectures on Pope Francis’ Exhortation: “The Joy of the Gospel”.

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Lenten Lectures 2014: Week 3 – “Faith and Culture and the Primacy of Grace” with Rev. John Connelly (3/24/2014)
The third in our series of five Lenten Lectures on Pope Francis’ Exhortation: “The Joy of the Gospel”.

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