Category Archives: Important Announcements

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Holy Week at the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:30pm at St. John followed by Adoration
7:30pm at St. Paul followed by Adoration


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Walk with the Cross
12:00pm at St. John   (Led by Religious Education – all welcome!)

Living Way of the Cross
12:00pm at St. Paul   (with Religious Education – all welcome!)

Stations of the Cross
3:00pm at St. John

Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00pm at St. Paul
7:30pm at St. John


Morning Prayer followed by the Sacrament of Reconciliation
9:00am at St. Paul

Sacrament of Reconciliation
10:00am – 12:00pm at St. John

Mass of the Easter Vigil
8:00pm at St. John
8:00pm at St. Paul


7:30am Mass at St. John (Upper Church)
7:30am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)

9:00am Family Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
9:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church and Parish Hall)

11:00am Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church and Parish Hall)

Monday, April 10 at St. Paul: Lenten Lecture Series with Fr. Jim Laughlin

Fr_JimWhen All Seemed Lost:  Waiting for the Third Day
Monday, April 10 at 7:30pm
St. Paul Church
For Peter, it had all begun at the Sea of Galilee. Here Jesus had called him… and his life would never be the same. He had witnessed miracles, walked on water and had even seen Lazarus raised from the dead. And at the darkest hour, he denied even knowing the One he loved. He thought that all was lost when Jesus was crucified. But there, at the Sea of Galilee…they would meet again.

Tuesday, April 4 at St. John – Evening for Women

cross_impressionistWho do you say I am? (Matthew 16:13-20)

As we prepare for Holy Week, there is no better time to consider Jesus in Scripture, and our relationship with Him in our heads, hearts and lived faith. Guiding us for this reflection will be Barbara Pyles: RN, MA Boston College School of Theology & Ministry, and St. John parishioner.

We will gather in St. John’s Powers Hall at 6:30pm, and begin the meditation program at 6:45 in the chapel. All are welcome to pray, and to take part in a wonderful opportunity to share faith and potluck. Please bring a favorite Spring dish.  All women from our Collaborative are invited. We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, March 27 at St. John: Lenten Lecture Series with Donna Maria Ticchi

Christ_Carrying_the_CrossArt as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Monday, March 27 at 7:30pm
St. John Powers Hall

Christ Carrying the Cross, painted by the Circle of Giovanni Bellini in the early years of the High Renaissance, was Isabella Stewart Gardner’s favorite painting. We’ll discuss the background of this painting and the stories it tells us.  We’ll look at why the placement of this painting at her Museum was so important to Mrs. Gardner and what that reveals about faith and memory.   Lastly, we’ll consider how Mrs. Gardner’s relationship with this painting demonstrates how the affective nature of art helps us to be more fully human.  We’ll see how art – as a meditative tool – opens our hearts to God.

CLICK THE FOLLOWING LINK TO LISTEN TO A PODCAST OF THIS LECTURE: Lenten Lectures 2017: “Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum” with Donna Maria Ticchi (3/27/17)

Monday, March 20 at St. Paul Church: Lenten Lecture Series with Fr. Arthur MacKay

Fr. MacKay “Breathing Underwater – The Art of Snorkeling”
Monday, March 20, 7:30pm at St. Paul Church

Fr. Arthur MacKay’s lecture continues our theme of “Up From Water.”  The ancients believed water to be life giving and life taking. The divers of antiquity defied the death of going into the water for something more valuable. John the Baptist gives us a preview of facing our own death to sin to be open to a new life with the one who is mightier. The discussion will ponder snorkeling in the water of Baptism, the Ten Commandments and the Book by Fr. Richard Rohr, “Breathing Under Water” to find meaning in our Lenten spiritual journey.

Our Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series “Up From the Water” Continues

The Baptism of the Christ #2_cropped Monday, March 20 at 7:30pm at St. Paul Church: FR. ARTHUR MACKAY
“Breathing Underwater – The Art of Snorkeling”
Monday, March 27 at 7:30pm at St. John Powers Hall: DONNA MARIA TICCHI
“Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum”
Monday, April 3 at 7:30pm at St. John Powers Hall: MICHAEL MERAW
“How Music Leads Us through Lent to the Joy of Easter”
Monday, April 10 at 7:30pm at St. Paul Church: FR. JIM LAUGHLIN
“When All Seemed Lost: Waiting for the Third Day”

(The audio will be available online a few days after each lecture, so please visit our Podcasts  page to listen – or listen again!)

Saint John School Open House – Wednesday, March 8

Open_House_March_5Morning Session: 8:00-9:30am
Evening Session: 6:30-8:00pm
Meet our teachers, visit classrooms, and speak to our Principal and parents. Come and see how Saint John School sets a standard of excellence for academic achievement and life long impact. Our school is a place where a spirit of faith is celebrated in a community of shared virtues.

Saint John School is located at 9 Ledyard St. Wellesley Hills, MA, next to St. John the Evangelist Church.  For more information, please visit our website or contact Principal Michael Dibbert at 781-235-0300.

Evening for Women – Tuesday, March 7, 2017, 6:30pm at St. John

 cross_impressionistLike good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. (1 Peter 4:10)

As we begin the Lenten season, please join us to learn how some ordinary people are using their gifts to serve others, and are accomplishing something extraordinary. The story of the Village Angels of Tanzania will be presented by Johanna Burani, sister of fellow-parishioner, Marie Brown. We will gather in Powers Hall at 6:30. Kay Kociuba, Pastoral Associate at St. Paul, will begin the meditation program at 6:45 in the chapel. All are welcome to pray, share and enjoy a wonderful program and potluck. Please bring a favorite Winter dish! We look forward to seeing you.

Monday, March 6: Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series with
Fr. J. Bryan Hehir

Fr_Hehir_LectureReconciliation: Confession (sacred) and Civil Society (secular)
Monday, March 6, 7:30pm at St. John Church

In 2 Corinthians 5:18-19, St. Paul tells us, “All this is from God who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.”  The ministry of reconciliation is central to the ministry of the Church as a whole. This Lenten Lecture will explore two distinct – indeed, quite different on the surface – expressions of the ministry of reconciliation today. The first, reconciliation within the Church, through the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) and what this could mean during Lent. The second, reconciliation within the wider civil society, at a time when our social fabric as a nation seems tested and threatened.

Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series

The Baptism of the Christ #2_cropped

“The Baptism of Christ #2”
Artist: Daniel Bonnell

Our Collaborative Lenten Lecture Series, focusing on our Lenten theme of “Up From the Water” (Mt. 3:16)  begins on Monday, March 6.  Join us Monday evenings at 7:30PM – please note the date and location for each lecture.


MARCH 6: FR. J. BRYAN HEHIR St. John Church
“Reconciliation: Confession (sacred) and Civil Society (secular)”

Fr. Connelly’s lecture will be rescheduled for later this spring.

“Breathing Under Water – Spiritual Snorkeling”

“Art as narrative, memory, and prayer: ‘Christ Carrying the Cross’ at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum”

APRIL 3: MICHAEL MERAW St. John Powers Hall
“How Music Leads Us through Lent to the Joy of Easter”

APRIL 10: FR. JIM LAUGHLIN St. Paul Church
“When All Seemed Lost: Waiting for the Third Day”