Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

A New “Season of Hope” Begins Thursday, February 7

Seasons of Hope: Parish Support for Adults who Mourn
Seasons of Hope faith sharing groups are offered in Catholic parishes across America. We are pleased to be introducing it to the St. John-St.Paul Collaborative. Our Lord assured us that those who mourn are blessed, and that they shall be comforted. Seasons of Hope helps us come together to share in God’s love. With the support of our faith community, we give voice to our unique journeys of grief and and healing and spiritual growth. The sessions help explore mourning through scripture, prayer, refection activities and faith sharing. Seasons of Hope is centered on Jesus Christ and grounded in the healing wisdom, traditions, and practices of the Catholic Church. For you who are searching for Our Lord in the midst of your grief, Seasons of Hope is a nurturing link to the Church, the Almighty, and people of faith who truly understand what it means to be brokenhearted.

Seasons of Hope has four different seasons that offer Christ-centered material that benefit new and ongoing participants alike.  Our Winter Season begins Thursday, February 7. Some find that one season is just what is needed to discover the consolation of Christ in the midst of their grieving. Many come to all four seasons. Come as you are able, and share in the healing message of Christ’s resurrection for us.

For more information, or to sign up in advance, please call Laurie Jacob at 339.222.0335 or email

Sunday, February 3: Special Coffee & Donuts at Saint John School!

On Sunday, February 3, Coffee and Donuts is moving to Philbin Hall in Saint John School! After the 9:00am Family Mass, come and enjoy coffee, donuts, and fellowship and check out the school’s recently completed renovations! Learn more about a Catholic Education at Saint John School – take a tour, meet our faculty and staff, and visit our classrooms. All are welcome!

Marian Movement Cancelled Tonight

Winter_Weather_CancellationsDue to continuing weather concerns, Marian Movement  (Rosary) is cancelled this evening.

Sunday 5pm Mass Cancelled this Sunday, January 20

While the weather forecast for the next 24-36 still contains some uncertainty, there is general agreement that temperatures will drop drastically by Sunday afternoon, resulting in a flash freeze and hazardous travel conditions.

In light of this, the Sunday 5:00pm Mass, scheduled for St. John’s this week, is cancelled.

Our regular Mass Schedules are in effect for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. All are encouraged to use good judgment and not take unnecessary risks when planning to travel to Mass. Safety is paramount, and all are reminded that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass does not apply when there is grave difficulty in fulfilling this obligation. (See Code of Canon Law, Canon 1248 §2)

Please be safe this weekend!

Tuesday, January 22: Holy Hour for Life with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist at St. Paul

A Holy Hour for Life will be held on Tuesday, January 22 at St. Paul  during Eucharistic Adoration, which begins at 1:00pm. This Holy Hour is part of the Archdiocesan observance of the National Day of Prayer and Penance marking the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision legalizing abortion on demand, and will be held at parishes throughout the Archdiocese to pray for safe travel and a successful pilgrimage to Washington DC for all those attending the annual March for LifeAt 2:00pm, led by Fr. Laughlin, we will pray together for those who have been wounded by abortion, for respect for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, and that those who govern us may be guided by justice, truth, and a love for the gift of life.

The Holy Hour for Life is organized by Boston Deacons for Life in collaboration with the Pro Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. Please join us, all are welcome.

A Special Christmas Thank You…

Christmas_Thank YouAs the beautiful season of Christmas draws to a close, I’d like to thank all of the many people who made the celebration of Advent and Christmas within our collaborative so inspiring.  The liturgies were uplifting and joyful thanks to our talented singers and musicians.  Many volunteers have beautified our churches and the staff has worked diligently in attending to all of the added logistics that the holidays bring.  The true Christmas spirit was alive in the extraordinary outreach to the needy through Christmas Wish and the Giving Tree.  Thanks to all of you who have given so selflessly!

There is always a certain sadness in bidding farewell to Christmas.  Our consolation is that the reality of Christmas is not just for a season but always.  Jesus Christ is Emmanuel, God with us, in both our joys and our sorrows.  And, as this poem by Howard Thurman so beautifully expresses, we are called all year to carry on the work of Christmas as we see the face of Christ in those in need.

Christmas blessings,
Fr. Jim

The Work of Christmas

When the song of angels is stilled
when the star in the sky is gone
when the kings and the princes are home,
when the shepherds are back with their flocks, 
the work of Christmas begins:
to find the lost
to heal the broken
to feed the hungry
to release the prisoner
to rebuild the nations,
to bring peace among the people,
to make music in the heart.



One Day Spiritual Retreat for Grieving Parents – Saturday, January 12

The St. John- St. Paul Collaborative and The Emmaus Ministry for Grieving Parents invite you to a one day spiritual retreat for parents whose children of any age have died by any cause, no matter how long ago.

Saturday, January 12 from 9:30am to 7:00pm
St. John the Evangelist Parish

9 Glen Rd. Wellesley, MA 02481

Pre-Registration Required – register at: 
$25/person or $40/couple (Registration fee includes three meals and all retreat materials)
Ample free parking
Scholarships are available

For more information, call Diane, Paul’s Mother at 617.542.8057 or email:

Wishing You a Blessed Christmas Season

O come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord!Small_Creche_Cover_Bright
Wishing you peace, love and joy this Christmas
and throughout the New Year.

Sacrament of Reconciliation on Christmas Eve

There is no better way to prepare for Christmas! Come for this special gift of Confession on Monday, December 24 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Chapel.


Join Us for a Christmas Carol Sing! Friday, December 14 at 5:30pm at St. John Church