Category Archives: Religious Education Program

Religious Education: Opening Info for Students, Teachers, and Cluster Families

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2014-2015 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/21 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/21, from 6 – 8 p.m.
A final calendar and program information can be found on the Parish website.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 a.m. in Philbin Hall. Please make every effort to attend.
Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel Room. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

September 7: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2014-2015 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/21 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/21, from 6 – 8 p.m.
A final calendar and program information can be found on the Parish website.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 a.m. in Philbin Hall. Please make every effort to attend.
Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel Room. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

Religious Education 2014-2015 Program Information Has Been Emailed to All Registered Families

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLReligious Education 2014-2015 program information has been sent out via email to all registered families.  Please check your email for important Program Information and Opening Day Procedures.

Please Note: Wednesday classes are full and are now closed to new registrations. 

All program information and important documents  can be found on our website:

August 2014: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLRegistration: Religious Education registration packets for the 2014/2015 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download on the Religious Education page. Please remember to include the $25 per child late fee when registering.

Confirmation: The Parish’s Confirmation preparation is a two year program beginning in grade 9. Except for those enrolled in Catholic schools, all students must complete the two year program prior to being Confirmed. All 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in May 2015 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard at or at 781.237.0141.

Teachers: We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the grades 1–10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education office at 781.235.5337 (grades 1–6) or 781.237.0141 (grades 7 – 10).

First Communion Pictures: The pictures from the 2014 First Communions are still available in the vestibule of the rectory.

July 2014: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLRegistration: Religious Education registration packets for the 2014/2015 school year were mailed to all families. If you have not received a packet in the mail, it is available for download on the Religious Education page. Please remember to include the $25 per child late fee when registering.

Confirmation: The Parish’s Confirmation preparation is a two year program beginning in grade 9. Except for those enrolled in Catholic schools, all students must complete the two year program prior to being Confirmed. All 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in May 2015 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard at or at 781.237.0141.

Teachers: We are always looking for teachers who are willing to teach any of the grades 1–10. If you are interested, please contact the Religious Education office at 781.235.5337 (grades 1–6) or 781.237.0141 (grades 7 – 10).

First Communion Pictures: The pictures from the 2014 First Communions are now available in the vestibule of the rectory.

Thank You from Religious Education

A profound thank you to all the teachers who so generously volunteer their time and talent to the Religious Education Program. Their commitment is extraordinary as they graciously share their Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings or Wednesday afternoons to teach our children about our shared Catholic faith:
Abby Alden, Ben Bramley, Jackson Bramley, Niki Bramley, Christina Brooks, Susan Calcio, Lisa Calderone, Michael Calderone, Johanne Campbell, Marla Capozzi, Caroline Carroll, Izzy Caruso, Joanne Clark, Gina Cohen, Anne Connors, Fiona Corkhill, Sheila Corkhill, Peg Creonte, Amy Cuzzupoli, Katie Daley, Kerry Dario, Peter DeNatale, Barbara Donovan, Beth Dugan, Joyce Farah, Andrea Fay, Vicki Gockelman, Paula Gomez, Cecilia Gordon, Chrissy Harding, Christine Hayes, Nancy Hill, Cathi Jones, Maureen Jutras, Lucy Kapples, Ryan Kelley, Rick Kinney, Susan Logan, Anita Martin, Pam McMahon, Christina Messore, Linda Messore, Jim Miller, Mary Mullen, Catherine Murrey, Jill Oliver, Toni Oliver, Jo-Ann Patneaude, Mary Elizabeth Patti, Jill Purpura, Andrea Reilly Gaziano, Joe Restino, Stephen Scherrer, Kathy Skelly, Corinne Spinale, Jacquie Sullivan-Noel, Heidi Tobin, Maria Trachy, Claire Van Flandern, Katy Wallace, Chrissy Youngren

Additionally, we extend special thanks to the teaching assistants whose Sunday morning support is vital to the success of the program: Martha Betancour, Alicia Gockelman, Conley Jacobs, Liza Serrano, Matthew Scherrer, Andrew Scherrer

Peer Ministers
Thank you to all the peer ministers who are such an integral part of the religious education program for grades 7 – 10. Their faith, commitment, and service to their classmates are praiseworthy: Brendan Connors, Thomas Capozzi, Aidan Cort, Brian Creonte, Will Derrickson, Matt Eldridge, Luisa Escallon, Peter Fantozzi, Kathy Fortin, Emily Griffin, Jack Griffin, Lexi Jones, Caroline Kelliher, Alli Kelliher, Evan Megan, Ryan Noel, Dan Pino, Tim Rahill, Brian Rolincik, Peter Stabnick, Brielle Weiner, Elizabeth Young

Religious Education Registration is Due by May 31

Religious-Education-REGISTERSt. John Religious Education Registration Packets have been mailed out to all families and are due back at the parish office by May 31 before a late fee is assessed. If you did not receive a registration packet in the mail, you can download the forms and information here: Religious Education

May 11: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis  Week: Monday, May 12
Confirmation Practice 7:00 p.m., Philbin Hall

Tuesday, May 13
Sacrament of Confirmation 7:00 p.m., Church

May 4: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, May 4
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. 
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 9 Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Monday, May 5 – Thursday, May 8
(as assigned*)
First Communion Practice 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Saturday, May 10
First Holy Communion 9:00 & 11:30 a.m.
Next Week: Monday, May 12
Confirmation Practice 7:00 p.m., Philbin Hall
Tuesday, May 13
Sacrament of Confirmation 7:00 p.m., Church

* Each student was assigned to attend specific practice
dates. It is important your child attend at the correct
time. Please contact Linda Messore if you are unsure
which practices to attend.

Marathon Daffodils

Daffodils_Closeup_2014Back in November, 2013, Peggy Sichol and Corrine Spinale’s 6th grade religious education class joined with hundreds of other volunteers to plant over 100,000 daffodil bulbs from Hopkinton to Boston, along the 26.2 mile Marathon Route. St. John’s 6th grade
Religious Ed. classes planted over 200 daffodils in front of the Parish Center which bloomed just in time for Marathon Monday. The goal was to beautify the route with symbols of hope, community and the rebirth of Spring. Thank you to all who helped lift the spirits of all of those who pass by.