Category Archives: Religious Education Program

Religious Education News – First Reconciliation

This weekend the altar is covered with a unique quilt that was created by the Religious Education Grade 2 students in celebration of their First Reconciliation.  Each child created a personal square of artwork, and the pieces were woven together to produce this truly meaningful expression of their sacramental experience.

Religious Education News – January 22, 2012

In December students in several grades wrote Christmas cards to our home-bound parishioners. We received several heartfelt notes of thanks. One 97-year-old woman wrote:

When I opened each envelope of Christmas wishes from the pupils of Religious Education, my heart filled with joy realizing the effort put into these thoughtful wishes in a note from these fine students.

Please share this message with your children to let them know the happiness they brought to many through their simple gesture.

During the Friends for Good sessions on January 8, students in grades 7 – 10 prepared toiletry kits for and wrote personal notes to the homeless men who use the day shelter at St. Francis House in Boston. Toiletries contained in the kits were donated by these students in November.

Religious Education Classes Resume January 8th

No classes this week. Classes resume January 8th. The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year. Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

Grade 1 Christmas Pageant – Sunday, December 18 at 8:45am Mass

The Religious Ed 1st Grade classes will be in costume as they present the Christmas Gospel this Sunday, December 18 at the 8:45am Mass.

The Religious Ed Team wishes all our families, teachers and friends a special peace and joy at Christmas and throughout the New Year.  Thank you for sharing the gift of your wonderful children with us.

Religious Ed classes resume January 8th.

Religious Education Starts This Sunday 9/18!

Religious Education classes for all grades will begin this Sunday September 18th. Classes for Grades 1-6 begin on Sunday 9/18 (10am to 10:45am) or Wednesday 9/21 (3:30pm to 4:45pm).  Classes for Grades 7-10 begin on Sunday 9/18  (6pm to 8pm).   Please visit the Religious Education page to download detailed information on Opening Day Procedures and a list of Important Dates.

Opening Day Procedures for Grades 1-6

  • All parents and students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School to receive classroom assignments.
  • Assignments will be posted on the wall in alphabetical order.
  • Parents should accompany their children to their classrooms, which will have class lists posted.
  • Parents, please introduce yourselves to your child(ren)’s teachers.
  • Volunteers will be available in the corridors to help guide parents and students to classes.
  • If you have not filled out a registration form and/or have not paid your registration fee, please report to the registration desk in Philbin Hall.
  • Students will be dismissed to the coned off area in the parking lot to be picked up unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher.
  • As a reminder, dismissal times are 10:45 am on Sunday and 4:45 pm on Wednesday.

Opening Day Procedures for Grades 7 – 10 

  • Students meet Sunday evening from 6 – 8 PM
  • All 9th and 10th grade students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School for room assignments.
  • All 7th and 8th grades students should report to the Parish Center located across the parking lot from the school for room assignments.

Religious Education Classes Begin September 18th

Religious Education classes for all grades will begin the week of September 18th. Classes for Grades 1-6 begin on Sunday 9/18 (10am to 10:45am) or Wednesday 9/21 (3:30pm to 4:45pm).  Classes for Grades 7-10 begin on Sunday 9/18  (6pm to 8pm).  If you have not yet registered you can download the registration materials from the Religious Education page.  (The late registration fee now applies – please include $25/per child in addition to the stated fee.)

We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to teach.  We are especially in need of Wednesday teachers for grades 1, 3 and 4 and Sunday evening teachers for grades 7 and 8.  If you are interested please contact the Religious Education Office at 781-235-5337 (Grades 1-6) or 781-237-0141 (Grades 7-10).